Chapter 2: Blonde Haired Boy

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Alya helped me pick up my schedule and showed me around before classes began.

"Wow! Only three classes together? That's a bummer." Alya eyed my schedule. I sighed. She was my only friend and I could've used her support in my other classes. The bell rang and Alya excitedly began to take me to my class. Oh boy, here we go.
*Class Time*
"Okay, everyone, settle down! I know it's exciting to be back in school and see all of your friends, but I have an announcement. We have a new student joining us. Everyone, please welcome Y/N to our class." The teacher announced to my peers.

I made my way inside the classroom with my head down. Alya assured me that it would be fine and that she'd be seated with her best friend named Marinette, a girl with black/blue hair in pigtails from what I was told. I took a deep breath and forced myself to look up to the class. I forced a smile and then my eyes met his.

Bright, green, beautiful eyes that were locked onto me. He was.. wow. Sweet looking with a face you'd be proud to show off. Almost familiar, as if I'd seen it in a commercial or something. His lips slowly curled into a soft smile as I looked for a second too long. My face began to flush and I adverted my gaze elsewhere. This blonde haired boy didn't know what he was doing to me.

I looked around the room and took note of each person. They all looked so unique and cool. I looked over to the boy again and saw that Alya was behind him and a boy who had glasses, a cap, and some headphones around his neck. Alya gave me a wave and nudged the girl next to her, who I assume is Marinette. She gave a small wave and little nervous smile.

"I apologize, but the only empty seat is in the back. Is that fine with you?" Asked Miss Bustier. I nodded and began to walk towards the back. A blonde girl on my left snickered and whispered to her friend,

"See her clothes? As if! I would never leave the house looking like THAT." I bit my tongue and held back an insult that was begging to come out. It was best to stay quiet and not get in trouble on the first day. I sat down and placed my stuff beside me. It was definitely not the best seat in town, but it worked.

We began taking notes and while glancing up at the board, I saw him peeking over his shoulder. I immediately looked deeper into my notebook, then placed my hand on my forehead to shield my eyes. Slowly, I looked in his direction. We caught each other's eyes and both looked away in embarrassment. It didn't happen again throughout the rest of class, but I did see Marinette glance over at me quizzically.

At the end of class, Alya approached me and handed me a piece of paper.

"Here is a picture of the seating arrangements. Now you know everyone's names. You just gotta put a face to them." I thanked her and scanned the paper.

Adrien. His name was Adrien. Adrien Agreste. I saw his green eyes flash in my mind and I smiled.

"Adrikins! Oh, Adrikins!" The blonde girl from earlier called out. I quickly looked at the paper and read her name. Chloe.

"Let's eat lunch together! Daddy made sure our private chef prepared the best meal in Paris for me and I would love to share it with you." She draped herself over him and he chuckled nervously.

"Well, actually, Nino and I are-" He began to say. I quickly walked past the two and watched as his eyes followed me out. I had to get to my next class and I don't think I could handle hearing Chloe say another word without vomiting or rolling my eyes.
*End of school*
I smiled and waved goodbye to Juleka and Rose. Alya was right. Her friends were pretty cool and super sweet. Here's hoping that I don't mess up these friendships once they realize how lame I am.

Today was honestly really great, aside from meeting Chloe. I made some friends and I discovered that I had some classes in common with quite a few of them.. and not to mention, Adrien.

While leaving the building, a big crash could be heard. I looked up and saw a person flying in the air shooting evil magic beams from the tip of their finger. I had only ever seen someone akumatized on tv or online. Never in person and I was terrified. They were closer now and looking at me. I couldn't move because I was so shocked. They pointed their finger at me and I shut my eyes waiting for my demise.

Then I felt a strong pair of hands scoop me up and rush me to the top of a building. I held on for dear life and made a silent salute to the world as I was sure this was the end of me.

"Oh, come on. No thank you to your cat in shiny black armor?" I opened my eyes and saw a blonde haired boy in a skin tight cat suit before me.

"Holy shi-" Then the world went black.

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