Chapter 24: Top Secret

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Most days normally start with a sunny sky and birds chirping happily like a big, beautiful movie. Except for today. Today was the exact opposite.

Everything felt gloomy and heavy. The sky was sad and looked like it needed to let out a whole bunch of tears in the form of rain.

I guess since the sky was sad it made others feel down too. As I made my way into school, people around me weren't cheery or pepped up as usual. Weird how weather can affect moods.

I made my way into class, noting that I was early because only a few other students were inside. I sighed and walked over to the window, watching as light droplets of water began to hit the glass.

If the weather picks up, it's sure to ruin someone's day. Hawk Moth is going to strike. I can feel it.

I need to get Ladybug on board with my idea. We need to investigate Gabriel Agreste and if we can catch him in the act, we can figure out a way to put an end to his terror.

However, it has to be a top secret investigation between Ladybug and me. Adrien would flip if he found out what I'm thinking of doing.

I closed my eyes, remembering the look of Hawk Moth's eyes. Picturing Mr. Agreste staring me down as if he already knew me. I grimaced at the sight in my head.

"Cheer up, Y/N! It's only a little bit of rain!" Rose said as she squeezed my shoulders. I smiled at her, wondering how someone could be so happy all the time. She walked to her seat after giving me a big smile.

My hand reached for the necklace Adrien gave me. My eyes widened in confusion. The empty spot around my neck always scared me. I forget Cat Noir destroyed it with his cataclysm. Shaking my head, I walked to my seat.

Hopefully seeing Adrien will make me feel better.


The rain had stopped for the moment, but the clouds grew darker as the hours passed. I was quickly leaving the school, whipping out my phone to call the number Ladybug told me to dial if I needed her.

"Hey, you're speeding in a school zone. What's the rush?" Adrien laughed, referring to my speed walking. He grabbed my shoulder, turning me towards him. My eyes met his loving smile. It made my stomach flip.

"Well, I'm super busy. Shouldn't have procrastinated my school project. Gotta go!" I said, about to walk away. Adrien grabbed my hand and stopped me.

"Do you need some help?" Adrien asked, hopeful that I could take him away from his other business.

"No, I got it. Thanks, though!" I gave him a hug and then made my getaway, leaving a sad Adrien behind.

I ran all the way home, made my to my room, and dialed Ladybug's number. After a few rings, she picked up.

"Ladybug!" I said into the phone, trying to catch my breath.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Ladybug asked. I nodded my head like she could see.

"Uh, yeah.. I have to ask you something."

"Okay, what's up?"

"I want to look into someone who could be Hawk Moth. But! It's super top secret. So, just between you and me, no Cat Noir, can you help?" I asked, crossing my fingers as hope. I heard Ladybug shuffle.

"Are you sure this person could be Hawk Moth? This is very serious." Ladybug responded. Thunder began outside. I looked out my window to see rain beginning to fall again.

"I'm 99.9 percent positive this person is Hawk Moth." I admitted. Ignoring the rain hitting my window now.

"Not 100?" Ladybug laughed slightly.

"I'm really hoping I'm wrong. Cause I don't know what I'm gonna do if I'm right." I answered. Ladybug was quiet for a few seconds then finally spoke.

"Okay, we'll meet up tonight. I have to go!" Ladybug said before hanging up quickly. I wonder why she was in a rush. But this is great, now there's no going back.

A crack of light caught my attention. I peered out my window and spotted a ball of lightning in the street. The lightning ball exploded and shot electricity all around. I shielded my eyes from the brightness.

Where the lightning ball was now stood a figure dressed in a tight, sleeveless, black suit with reflective lightning bolts along the chest and legs. They wore gloves that reached up the elbows and light was sparking from their hands. Oddly, their hair stood up like they just got shocked, but it was somehow neat and styled. On their face was dark makeup with streaks of black dripping down the cheeks.

Whoever this person was looked like they were having a rough day. And the rain falling made it worse.

Hawk Moth was controlling this person right now. I need to get to Adrien's. If I'm right about Mr. Agreste, then I should be able to catch him in the act. Even though I couldn't get past the wall the first time I went to his house, I have a plan this time.

"Cat Noir!" A muffled voice shouted outside my window. The fighting outside grew louder. Here's my chance.

I ran out to the street where the villain was. Ladybug and Cat Noir were focused on trying to help nearby citizens escape. All I had to do was get the villain's attention.

"Hey! Zappy hands! If you want a real fight, come get me!" I yelled, throwing a pebble at the figure. They turned to me and lightning cracked in the sky. A light of energy flickered quickly across their body.

I started running in the direction of Adrien's house. No way was I sticking around for too long. Explosions of lightning shot near me, trying to strike me down where I ran. My adrenaline helped me run faster and dodge them.

The pavement was slippery, causing me to lose my footing. I prepared to hit the ground, but something grabbed my waist and yanked me off the ground.

"Every time you see me like this, you're in trouble. Are you trying to get killed?" I looked at who spoke and saw Adrien, well, Cat Noir.

"Well.." I said, trying to lighten up the situation. Cat Noir squeezed me like he didn't like my response. He was jumping buildings to where he knew I'd be safest: His house.

Cat Noir set me down in his room and got ready to jump back into action. He gave me one last look over.

"I'll be back for my prize." Cat Noir winked, his hair matted down from the rain. I crossed my arms and smirked.

"You'll get a better one if you come back in one piece." I teased, winking back at him.

The boy's face went bright red and his hand lost grip for a second. His cool exterior was gone, reminding me it really was just sweet Adrien under the mask.

"I better get back to Ladybug." Cat Noir said, shaking his head rapidly, sprinkling rain droplets on me. He left quickly.

I waited for a few seconds before booking it to the door. My head peeped out to see if it was all clear.

Time to start my top secret mission.

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