Chapter 4: Getting to Know You

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I walked inside the boat and assured myself what just happened was a complete daydream. An utter and complete daydream. Even though I kind of.. liked it?

No, I definitely did not. Cat Noir probably does that with all the girls he saves. Plus, I don't even know him. So how could I find him so pleasing to the eye, easy to talk to, funny to make jokes with, and sweet when he smiles at me...

No! Nope! He's a total weirdo. I once thought he was cool, but he's not. End of story.

"Y/N? You look like you're having a conversation with yourself... in your head?" Alya said. She tilted her head to the side and squinted her eyes to examine me.

"Happens all the time." I laughed. "I mean, no! It doesn't! I'm not crazy or anything, ahahaha." I turned my face away from my friends and cringed at myself.

"Riiight, well, I have some exciting news." Nino said changing the subject. "Adrien is on his way. Finally listened to my advice and slipped away, unseen. Haha." He made a little sneaky motion with his arms as he said it and Alya rolled her eyes.

As soon as I heard the name, I got excited. I looked around to see everyone's faces. Marinette was beat red and so excited. And then I understood. Everything. The way she looks at him, why she acts so weird around him, why she worries when another girl has his attention. Marinette has a crush on Adrien.

I looked at the floor as this realization hit me. I couldn't understand why it made me feel weird inside. Like.. jealousy. How I feel when Chloe pours herself all over him or tries to impress him by being rich. It was so dumb and I don't know why I felt it.

"Hey everybody, hope I'm not too late to the party." His voice broke through. I snapped my head up and saw him.

"Adrien, what's up bro?! You finally made it." Nino said and lightly punched him in the shoulder. Adrien laughed and grabbed where Nino punched him. He looked nervous.

Everyone swarmed him and said their hellos, except for me, who was too in shock over seeing him. And Marinette who was too embarrassed and lovingly excited to go and actually say hello.

He gave her his famous smile and said hey. I saw as she fell into a deeper state of love as he turned away. He was completely oblivious.

When he saw me, his smile changed. To one more genuine and calming. His eyes quickly took me in and I saw as they darted up and down. I immediately turned my face to avoid embarrassment and stood up to say hello. He approached me and I could smell his fancy cologne that overwhelmed my senses.

"Y/N, you look nice tonight. Have you enjoyed the party so far?" His voice floated in my ears.

"It's a lot better now." I said in a daze. His smile disappeared and now he looked at me intrigued and confused. Realization hit me and I quickly shook my head. "Um, because now we have enough people to play games!"

"We played a few games earlier. What do you mean?" Nino asked.

'Shut up, Nino.' I said in my head. I tried to laugh it off and shrugged.

"I mean, um, team games. We could get into even groups or something?" I suggested. Everyone smiled and we began to form our teams. I mentally exhaled that big breath I was holding in and decided to enjoy the rest of the night.
*End of Party*
"That was fun. I hope you enjoyed it Y/N." Luka said to me as he escorted me out. I smiled and thanked him for everything.

"You'll be fine getting home?" He asked.

"Yeah, I should be okay." I smiled and waved as I walked away. A few minutes later I heard footsteps running up behind me. I turned around and saw a head of blonde hair coming towards me. I stopped and waited for him to catch up.

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