65: Plane tickers

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Y/n's pov: 

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Y/n's pov: 

I was running down the hallway until I met the door of my room. I switched the keys and invaded in slamming it with all my force.

As soon I was left alone into a lifeless room my eyes glimmered with watery tears and I felt as if the whole world was about to crumble. 

Realling his cold eyes just to realize how foreign he was to me. That was not the Jungkook I know. The Jungkook I love... He is a complete stranger that I thought I knew... But now I realized that I don't.

I dropped down on my knees and screamed with all my might. I sobbed and tears flooded like the waters rushing down from a waterfall and the only time I'd stop was to fill my lungs with fresh air.

It's so unfair... 

It's not right... No... I don't deserve that. I love Jungkook. Why isn't he running to find me? He should be searhing for me and say it was a prank. It was a joke, right? 

Jungkook... Loves me... Right? He said that he wants to love me. 

I was willing to give him a second bargain so I was waiting for my room until night decided to show up. Not a single knock on the door. Jungkook is not going to come. He is never gonna show up. 

I got played in the cheapest way possible.

The tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down my face. I feel the muscles of my chin tremble like a small child and I look toward the window, as if the light could soothe me.

I bite my tongue, trying to hold the tears that threatened to leave my eyes. And that's when I can't hold them back. Every feeling of pain intensifies as I realized how wrong I was and how right my brother was. 

I am not gonna let Jungkook humiliate me any further. Not anymore... I walked towards my suitcase and started gathering all my things. Tomorrow is the original day we are leaving but I am not gonna waste any more minutes next to the boy I hate. 

As soon as I fixed my things I dressed up into my casual clothes. Meanwhile all these facts were taking place my tears were falling down. I could not stop it... 

I was ready in about an hour so I walked out of my room. I stared at Jungkook's door for a mere second. I was hoping it could open. I even approached it just to be a little closer at him. A tear slid as I was depressed. I lifted my hand ready to knock. 

But then realized there was no point anyway... There's no point cause it was nothing for him. There's no use in trying so I put my hand down once again and shifted a last glimpse towards the door. 

Walking backwords my hand touches the sutcase handle and blow some air from my lungs. 

"Goodbye Jungkook." My voice cracked although it was almost not audible. Looking down while tears were escaping from my eyes I decided to go to the main lobby. I checked myself out returning the keys and adjourned, to intrude the first taxi I could find in the street. 

𝚊𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚊𝚜 𝚒𝚌𝚎〚𝙹𝙹𝙺〛√Where stories live. Discover now