8: Talking to the new teacher

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Y/n's pov:

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Y/n's pov:

I was the first one to be exposed to a class speaking of emptiness.

The blinds were averting the sun from coming in, so it was cracking in from small empty gaps and cracks.

With rhythmical steps, approaching my ordinary table, I scoot on my seat. Without second thoughts. I unzipped my bag taking out one of my favourite books just to travel out of this world for a while.

Languishing things that can only happen in a romance novel. Reality is a always a little bitter than these stories I like to envisage.

I was slowly losing track of time, or even place as my mind was drawing the images I was reading.


I heard a monotonic voice, calling out my name. At first I thought it was the protagonist of the novel, realizing that I am his true love.

I groaned, as I continued reading the next paragraph.

"Y/n are you okay?" The same monotonic yet mellow voice, after I paid attention.

Someone was indeed calling my name. My imagination was not playing games with me.

I slowly lifted my head, quite peculiar to notice who owned that mellow, like honey voice.

My eyes immediately focus on his.

"Yes I am okay Mr. Kim. I-I am so sorry!" I closed the book and put it aside without even folding the page to catch up later.

He slowly walked towards my table looking at the book I just slid away.

"What are you reading?!" He slowly touched my book, holding it tightly and reading the title in genuine interest.

"I prefer the movie to be honest!" He groaned and that made me loosen up a little. I am quite timid in front of teacher.

"But the plot had me hooked... although it was little cliche! Dont you think?" He asked letting the book on the surface of my wooden table.

I looked at the title once more.

"Cliche?" I asked quite bewildered. I never thought of something so highly romantic as cliche.

I always was seeing it as the anthem of romanticism.

"Yes! I mean... Boy meets girl! It was love at first sight but of course nobody wants them together! Society! Their parents! It's cliche!"

He announced sitting on his chair craving for my answer.

"Yes! You can say it like that. But like... is it possible for something to be 100% original nowadays Mr. Kim?" I smiled putting my book in the back.

"I guess you are right!" He grinned quite happy. It was so rare to see him smile. Maybe because I literally met him yesterday... Whatever!

"Are you okay Y/n? You seem quite distracted today!"

"The truth is that my mind is full of things..." I tried not to complain and explain instead.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I can't tell you Mr. Kim! You are gonna make fun of me!" I smiled, letting my teeth appear.

"I am not making fun of my students! That's rude." He tried to calm me a little and for a reason I felt the urge to actually confess my deepest thoughts.

"Do you wanna tell me!? I dont mind Y/n... Just know that I am not gonna make fun of you! It's okay if you wanna keep it to yourself!" His words made me feel genuinely warm like home.

I slowly got up and looked out of the window. Sitting on top of my table, my eyes met my teacher quite afraid to say it out loud.

"Mr. Kim I like ice hockey!" I spit out like it's a crime and he beams at me with the biggest smile, leaning onto his desk.

"That's perfect! I was more into basketball growing up! But now... I am a teacher as you can see... we all make bad decisions!" He jokes and made me chuckle.

"Its a good thing you are a teacher Mr. Kim!"

"I know I was joking." He smiled, making my eyes focus on how plump his lips seem. That smile is full of emotions. Wow!

"But..." He brought his hands together on top of his dest leaning even closer.

"Why is it a secret? I mean... you like ice hockey. What's so bad about that?" He asked politely and of course he didnt know why I think ice hockey is bad.

"Mr. Kim have you seen the ice hockey teams? We have two at school!"

"Well, I didnt get the chance to! Why?"

"Well... There are zero girls!" I emphasized the number just to imply that boys are stupid blocking us out of sport activities.

"Oh... I am sorry Y/n. That's what travelling on your mind. You wanna be in a team." He filled the gaps, figuring out everything and I continued shifting glances out of the window.

"It's a dream that will never come true after all!" I giggled trying not to show how hurt I am.

"No Y/n... It's not like that!"

"Excuse me?"

"Dont you wanna stand out?"

He asks, leaving me baffled. I wish I could but I still am quite afraid.

"I would like to do that Mr. Kim? But I can't!" Was my answer and he rolled his eyes.

"Of course you can! How can you be sure if you dont give the best you've got to achieve it?"

Okay! This teacher has some serious potential to be my favourite in about a second. I never had a favourite teacher.... But he... Omg He is amazing!

"But... You haven't even seen if I am a good player to say such thing!" I tried to say something back cause he really can find an answer to everything I say.

"I bet you are!"

"That's not an answer Mr. Kim!" Got him! We both smiled, with our eyes not losing the contact.

The bell rung alerting us that the lesson was ought to start in a little.

"Y/n remember what I said today!" He have me an advice and I nodded twice as I knew he is right.

After that the class was filled with my classmates. The lesson was about to start.



Hello guys...

I kinda likes this chapter just because Jin has a big part.

What did you think about Jin? Will Y/n listen to her teacher or ignore him? Will she try to be in a team? What will be the reaction of the players?

Share your thoughts until I decide to update this again haha...

Love u ♥️

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