15: Give me your hand

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Y/n's pov:

Last hour of class went by pretty rapidly

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Last hour of class went by pretty rapidly. The truth is that I just wanted to go home.

I am so tired because of all of these stupid things that happened today. And the most painful one... I was rejected from both teams...

I love my brother but there is someone I hate qnd that surely can be Jeon Jungkook... that little douche bag didn't even let me try out.

My mind was absent, thinking of ways to kill myself until I heard someone coughing in the middle of the class. It was coming from the front view, where Mr. Kim's desk was placed.

He cleared his throat as a sign for me to pay attention to the lesson. Although he was not looking I could feel that it was for me.

I stiffened realizing that I lost a lot of information today and looked at the board for the rest of the lesson.

As soon as the bell rang I saw Soojin gathering her things.

As I was picking up my things I fell Mr. Kim's eyes falling onto me. Looking up we were staring at each other while he was standing in between his chair and desk.

Both hands glued on the desk, quite benting when a book was on top of it.

"Y/n are you okay?" He broke eye contact, lightly browsing his book pages.

"What happened at the try outs? You seem like they threw you off a building or something!" He fixed his glasses finally sharing a glance with me as soon as everyone went out.

"Well, Jeon Jungkook would actually think of something like that!" I complained zipping my bag.

"So they didn't let you on the team!" He figured out staring deeply into my eyes. I sigh distressed.

"Nope!" I was in the edge of bursting out because of all the anger crawling in my heart... I just need a single chance... but everybody shuts me out! Even my own brother.

"I am so sorry Y/n!"

"Its not your fault Mr. Kim! Jungkook is an assh-" I was ready to mutter but then looked at him.

"A Dummy!" I smiled innocently trying to play it cool... like I was not about to curse in front of my math teacher. Of course not!

"Just dont be sad over that okay? I have to leave! If you need me you can call me!" He said and I narrowed my eyebrows.

"I dont have your phone number Mr. Kim!" I politely reminded him and he nodded in the realization.

"Right! Well... Wait!" He opens up his briefcase, ripping a page of a notebook. With some ink he wrote his phone down.

"Take it! I gotta leave!" He reached down to share the paper with me and before I could caught a last image of him he dispersed away like steam.

He is fast! I walked out of the classroom and indeed he was nowhere.

I was staring at the paper placed in between my fingers. I dont think I will ever call him but I should really keep the paper.

What if I need it someday?

Tugging it in my bag I hurriedly adjourn the classroom until I met the parking lot... glancing all these fancy cars...

I have a bicycle... Yes I dont have a car... You can call her Karen!

Climbing it carefully finally my feet met the pedals. After a while I was riding down the quit streets of the town.

Sun was burning up my flesh. Jeez it's so hot! I was thinking to myself.

Today is not a good day... Not even decent. 1) Its extremely hot! 2) Jimin came to wake me up this morning 3) I had this chattering with my brother's everlasting enemy!

Now he is my enemy as well...

It's the first time that I actually admit Jimin is right... about something! That's remarkable...

Like... I can see why he disfavors such a despicable creature. He is unbelievable! I am thinking of him and all I want is to puke.

I am holding it in although just the image of him can cause grossness.

As I was thinking of that douche bag I didn't pay attention to a pothole on the street.

I was so frustrated that my mind blacked out until the road fell on the hole, resulting the whole bike to lose balance.

Everything was falling apart along with me. I met the ground in seconds feeling sore aches on my knees... Okay... everything goes terrible from the day I met him.

As I was complaining in my inner world having that bitter expression in my face I heard a voice.

"Are you okay?" A hand reached for me to seize. Before trusting the stranger I needed to looking at his face.

Staring up high our eyes locked in the realization that the boy I hate, despise, wanna punch... Yeah that boy was in front of me, trying to help me get up.

"Kitty, are you okay? Give me your hand!" He didnt let me answer by just grabbing my palm and pulling me up.

I immediately stiffened distancing myself.

"What do you want?" I hissed, trying to lift my bike but he attempt to help me.

"Yo stay away from Karen!" I threatened him and he narrowed an eyebrow.

"Your bicycle has a name?" He asks perplexed.

"Well... You do and you are useless! My bike is actually useful! She deserves a name!" Carefully tapping my bike, I started walking away from the douche bag that just helped me.

"Wait!" He stops me.

Dejavu! Exactly like the Shinwon situation.

"What?" Our eyes meet.

"We have to talk!" He shortly retorts.

"Um... No! Thanks!" I continued walking with my bike on the one side. He didnt lose a chance but run and start pacing along with me.

"Pretty please?"

"Pretty no?" I smirk.

"Its about the team!" He says and I am immobilized. The team? He spotted me standing still quite trembling.

"Are you interested kitty?" He asks...

He knows my weaknesses! Gosh!



Hello guys another chapter of As cold as ice is over. Let me know if you like this book!

How did you find the chapter? Do you think Jeon Jungkook is a high idiot? Well, he seems like it to be honest.

Does Jimin have any other reasons not to let Y/n on the team? What will Jungkook say to her?

So many questions!

Stick around to learn the answers hehe.

See ya💓💓

𝚊𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚊𝚜 𝚒𝚌𝚎〚𝙹𝙹𝙺〛√Where stories live. Discover now