46: Girlfriend

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Jungkook's pov:

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Jungkook's pov:

We tood right outside the big building, with the neon lights flickering. I looked down at her perplexed eyes.

"Why are we here Jungkook?" She lifted her head so our eyes locked.

"I am working here!" I announced and she forrowed her eyebrows.

"This is a tattoo shop!" She figured it all out and I ignored her comment by being the first one to get in.

She followed me bewildered at the new information she just had to understand. Getting in we met the main lobby with soyeon being behind the counter.

"Jungkook babe finally!" She said and I could feel Y/n's surprised expression. Soyeon hugged me and I tried to slowly break the hug without drawing the attention on me.

"Hey I am sorry I am late!" I apologized and then stared at Y/n being all speechless. That's so not her.

"Soyeon let me introduce you to Y/n, Y/n this Is soyeon!" I bit my lips in agony and anticipation. Y/n shyly gave her hand without even smiling with her beautiful smile.

"Soyeon is a friend!" I reassured her by explaining that nothing exists in between me and Soyeon.

"Nice to meet you Y/n! How come you are here?" Soyeon put her on the spot on purpose. Her voice was demanding. I dont know what got into her but she seemed upset deep down.

"Um..." Y/n was trying to think of an excuse and I secretly held her wrist to sooth her.

"We are late... Namjoon is waiting for me... You two can talk later!" Without letting Y/n answer I tried to slid her off that uneasy position as she seemed inhibited.

"Yeah, sure... see you later!" Soyeon narrowed her eyebrows and approached her counter once again.

I nod to Y/n after Soyeon was gone and without bargaining for the fact that something is going on between the two ladies, I led Y/n to the hallway.

"Why aren't you talking? You are always talking" I said trying to read her stiff expression.

"N-nothing" she tried to hide her head from me. I stopped turning around just to meet her doe eyes.

"I told you, Soyeon is just a friend!" I tried to reassure her once again.

"Why are you explaining to me? It's not like we are together or something!" She awkwardly said and I shuttered my eyes.

"I guess you are right" I melancholically retorted before opening the last door. As soon as I swung it open we met the room I am working. Namjoon was sitting on his ordinary stool painting a tattoo and someone.

"Oh! You remembered to come! You are making me proud!" He sarcastically said and removed the needle from the man's hand.

"You are ready!" He said to him and got up taking his apron off.

"I am sorry Namjoon... an accident happened and-" I stood right next to Y/n to ease her. She might be afraid. Titling to face us his eyes met the girl.

"Who is she?" He took four intimidating steps closer and Y/n secretly held my hand behind our backs.

"She... she is my girlfriend!" I tried to make her seem off the market because Namjoon will definitely try to hit on her.

"Your girlfriend?" He raised an eyebrow and Y/n looked up at me.

"Yes...!" I tightened my grasp on her hand and she looked down.

"Oh... what's your name sweetie?" Nmajoon asked like I didn't just say that she belongs to me. Jeez... Y/n is mine... at least for today.

"M-my name is Y/n!" She smiled after a long time.

"Y/n? That girl you were always talking about?" Namjoon said and Y/n's eyes widen.

"I can explain!" I said to her and she giggled.

"N-namjoon... is it okay if Y/n stays with me until midnight?" I asked and he giggles.

"Of course... I have some extra chores to do... so I am gonna leave you two alone... Your client is waiting!" He pointed at a man with a beard sitting on my side, probably awaiting for the time I will be here.

"Okay! I am on it!" I said and carefully let Y/n's hand. I found my apron and wrapped around my waist, while applying the string behind my neck.

"So see you later!" Namjoon said.

"See ya!" I grabbed my stool and put it right next to the man.

When Namjoon left us I approached Y/n and pointed at a stool.

"You can sit!" I shyly retort and she hesitantly obeyed to my offer.

Y/n's pov:

I found the strength to sit on a stool in the corner of the room. Jungkook sit right next to the guy but our could meet if someone of wanted to peak at each other.

That didn't happen. He was so silent, immersed to his job that didnt pay any attention to me for twenty minutes until he finally broke the silence with his raspy voice.

"Are you bored?" He asked and I gulped staring at him, painting the tattoo to the man.

"N-no... I am okay!" I denied the boredom my soul Is feeling and he scoffed.

"Dont lie... there is a magazine over there, kill your time... I am almost done!" He is way to discreet at times but this time he was actually not.

I scoffed grabbing the magazine and started browsing. I was doing that for a long time until my eyes fell on a pretty beautiful tattoo.

Moons... I like the moon... it was really beautiful. I subtly let myself smirk.

"We are done!" Jungkook said to the man and I let the counter on the table closed. I didn't wanna let him see me swooning over a tattoo.

"Thanks..." The man with the beard said.

"Go to Soyeon to pay... At the lobby!" Jungkook started giving him specific instruction and the man nodded, paying attention to him.

"Thanks Jungkook." He said and walked out of the room, leaving the boy alone with just me..

He was speechless fixing his needles and colors. The only think I was able to see was his back.

"I am gonna take you home in a while!" He announced and stiffened right away.

"You didn't tell me you were working here!" I smiled sitting on my stool trying to sound discreet.

"Yes... People dont know." His voice was cold... So cold I didn't wanna pressure him with some extra questions.

"You were pretty cool... though... I mean... you have some techniques."

He scoffed although I could not see his lips. Slowly he titled around so our eyes could meet.

Why is the atmosphere so heated? Why am I turning red when he looks at me?

"Did you follow me?" He asked and my eyes suddenly shuttered.

That's embarrassing.



Hello guyssss...

How did you find my chapter? Was it a little boring? What do you think about Jungkook? Is he cold? Will Y/n admit she followed him?


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