10: Him again!

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Jungkook's pov:

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Jungkook's pov:

I made my way to the ice skate arena I visited last night cause let's be honest... All I can think about is that Shinwon dude.

I mean, that's the only think I care about. I could seriously learn so many things from this dude. Maybe he could teach me something that could make our team win the green legends after a long time.

As soon as I walked in I saw these two guys I observed yesterday. They were sitting in the exact same position and took a while to take a notice of me.

"Jeon Jungkook again!" The man on the left stool said.

"Yes!" I announced taking some steps closer to their counter.

"You really liked it here!" The other one said typing something on the computer.

Well, I liked someone here that has some serious talent. If that counts...

"Yes..." I retort quite awkward.

"So what do you wanna do? Practice? Participate in a game?" The man with the notebooks asked.

"Look... I really was searching about 'the renegade'?" I finally expressed my thoughts and they looked at each other quite petrified.

"Yeah! That's impossible!" The man on the computer said.

"We are sorry but we only can help you by exposing you to different activities!" The man said brushing his hair back with his hand.

Aish! It would be hard to find him all alone. What if I search for him without anyone knowing.

"So is there something you would like to do?" He asked me and I put one hand on top of the counter thoughtful.

"I would go with some practice then!" I declare and they both gulp looking at each other.

"Um... W-which number is it, for the practice room a-again?" The one asked the other quite shaking.

"I th-think number 6!"

What's wrong with them?

"Okay Thanks!" I said ready to walk in the hallway with the rooms but a voice stopped me.

"Wait!" He said and I turned all around to see a boy sweating.

"What?" I ask quite baffled.

"N-nothing! H-have fun!" He said and I narrowed my eyebrows.

"Thanks?" I said perplexed ignoring him and waking down the dark hallway. 

Number 6, number 6...

I was looking at the numbers until bingo. Here it is I thought. My hand fell on the door handle ready to swing it open.

That's what I did. I opened the door letting the light of the room to fall into my eyes.

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