51: Here

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Y/n's pov:

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Y/n's pov:

Walking down the sidewalks after the cab dropped me off my mind was always coming back to Jungkook.

I was making my way to his house quite  anxious cause it was the first time I was going to be visiting his place.

My palms were getting sweaty as my throat was quite shore. Maybe I should just call him and say I am sick!

As soon as I thought of that my feet met the enormous entrance. My jaw fell as soon as I passed it, stepping onto the stone grounded path with a fountain in the middle.

Shifting glances around dumbfounded I didn't see a man passing by me and actually bumping onto me. Our eyes met but he didn't even apologize.

He continued walking without paying further attention to what happened.


Walking up the stairway, I finally met the white wooden door of Jungkook's house. What should I do now?

Knocking twice I take a step behind the doormat and wait for just a sec until the door fiercely opened.

"I TOLD YOU TO L-" Jungkook appeared, screaming in front of my face. I took some steps back flinching quite petrified.

"Kitty? What are you doing here?" He realized it was me and soften right away.

"We have the project... you told me to come!" I reminded him and he took a brief moment to remember.

"Right... Come... come in!" He tried to wear a smile although it seemed impossible.

"Are you sure you dont want me to leave? You dont seem fine" I asked quite concerned for him. His eyes were swollen, his nose was red and his cheeks were puffy.

He was crying.

"No! I am sure! We have a project to finish!" He decisively retorted and I allowed him to take me in.

I was staring at how affluent he seemed to be, because of the house. He didnt give me enough time to stare as he dragged me in his room right away.

"Let's start!" He said.

"Okay!" I tried not to talk about this and sat on his bed. As we started doing the assignment his mind always kept on travelling away.

"So... shall we go with the answer b?" I asked but he did not gave me an answer.

"Are you sure you are okay?" I looked at him right next go me.

"Yes! Why would you ask that?"

"Cause you seem like a truck ran you over."

"O-oh" he looked at the books quite perplexed.

"I-I am sorry... about earlier... I thought you were my father..." He shuttered his head and I tried to lighten up the mood.

𝚊𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚊𝚜 𝚒𝚌𝚎〚𝙹𝙹𝙺〛√Where stories live. Discover now