57: Hell of a ride

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Y/n's pov:

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Y/n's pov:

"Yoongi wake up!" I was shaking his entire body as soon as we finally touched the earth. He was mumbling in his sleep calling me mom, sister and a lot of other family members for a peculiar reason.

"5 more minutes mom..." He said and tried to titl his back at me but I firrcly perched his arm in result his eyes fell open.

I sweat if he is gonna call me mom a again I-

"Aghhhh!" His hand cupped the exact spot I pinched him with my nails.

"Are you crazy?" His eyes craved for mine just because he wanted to complain.

That's so Yoongi.

"We are here! Do you want me to leave you here? Look, everyone got off. We are the only ones in here!" I pointed at the next seats.

"Wait... You didn't let me here alone!"

"Oh really Sherlock? Just get up Honey!" I pushed him and finally he regain his balance as soon as his feet met the alley.

"Guys are probably waiting for their luggage outside so lets go!" I led him out of the airplane and he ran behind of me so we could take our suitcases.

"Oh by the way Y/n... I like your shirt!" He scanned my clothes as soon as we walked out and were inches apart of the rest of the guys.

"Really? It's terrible!" I complained with a light giggle.

"Nooo it's not... It looks like a pair of Pajamas I have!" We both started laughing out loud resulting the guys to turn around and notice us. Jungkook rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Is that what he wants? I am gonna ignore him not just for the rest of the trip but for the rest of MY LIFE.

"Oh Hey Yoongi... Can you reach for my suitcase?" I politely asked Yoongi and he reached towards the sliding base with the suitcases.

"Here!" He said and strongly picked my suitcase with just his one hand. He helped me carry it until we let it down together.

"Y/n-ah is that yours?" Hobi asked with my bag on his hands.

"Oh Yes! Thanks Hobi." I carefully took it and placed it on top of my suitcase.

"Guys we are at Paris!" Taehyung said sniffing the air.

"Obviously!?" I whispered but Yoongi was the only one to hear that and let a small giggle get away.

"Let's go!" He said and grabbed the handle of my bag.

"What are you doing?" I asked perplexed at his action and he smirked.

"Its heavy. Let me take it!" I just agreed to whatever he was saying and walked out with him. The rest of the guys followed us as soon as we met the outside word of the airport.

𝚊𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚊𝚜 𝚒𝚌𝚎〚𝙹𝙹𝙺〛√Where stories live. Discover now