9: Wise man

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Y/n's pov:

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Y/n's pov:

The day passed by decently but I didn't spent the appropriate time with my best friends.

She called me after a while asking me if I had some clothes to wash cause she was going to visit the dry cleaners down the block.

I agreed cause except from the clothes on my bucket I had so many problems that some quality time with Soojin... Talking about my brother... seemed like fresh water on a time I am thirsty.

We walked in holding our buckets in our hands. We never quit talking doing such unpleasant chores. I was blurring out some words cause I was frazzled of the demanding day I lived through.

Thank god it was almost over.

"So did he tell you anything about me today?" He asked putting her clothes in the washing machine.

"Yes he did!" I emulated her action using the matchine right next to her.

"Really? What?" She slammed the door jumping.

"Well... He asked me who was I talking to the phone with this afternoon and I told him it was you!" I admit.

"Really? And what did he say?" She was so enthusiastic. Little did she know.

"He asked Who is Soojin?" And her face drops. Okay! It was harsh but I can not lie! That's what he said.

"He does not remember me? I am spending a lot of time in your house!" She madly retorted. Oh no! Jimin you are dead...

"Noooo! He does he does! He was... just a little immersed to... his book! And didnt function as good as always!" I lied. Jimins brain does not function at all.

"Is he reading books?"

Yeah! Sport magazines!

"Of course he does!"

I hugged her sitting on a wooden chair waiting for our clothes to get washed.

"How are you by the way!? I saw you talking to the teacher as soon as I walked in today."

Soojin was the first one to invade the empty classroom this morning, interrupting me and Mr. Kim.

"I told him about my dream of playing ice hockey on a team!" I announced and she grinned.

"Really?! Perfect! Finally. And what did he say?" She asked removing a stroke of hair behind my ear.

"He said I should stand out and follow my dream." It's all I can remember after the conversation I had with him.

"Wow Mr. Kim is a wise man... well except of a snack... and a hottie!"

"SOOJIN! He is our teacher."

"I am sorry! But he is hot!" She continued drooling over our math teacher.

"He is... pretty!" I announced.

"Pretty hot!"

"Are you gonna shut up?" I rolled my eyes looking out the foggy windows. It started getting late as the sun just set.

"So are you gonna listen to your hot teacher or your hot brother? This dilemma is driving me crazy!" She inhaled deeply, touching her forehead.

"Thank god is my dilemma! Not yours Honey!" I smile at her, tugging my hands on my pockets.

It was freezing!

Suddenly, the washing machines rung as a sign that our clothes were ready. As we took them out we enclosed then in the drying matchine this time.

"To be honest... I agree with Mr. Kim!"

"You are just saying that because he is hot!"

"Well... Your brother is hotter!" She admits while blushing. She is head over hills with that douche.


"I will think about it Soojin-ah!" I smiled waiting for our clothes to dry...

An hour later:

Time passed and Soojin dropped me off, right outside my house.

After leaving my things in my room I flee out, finding the bus station.

I wanted to ice skate tonight. Maybe practice a little cause I was a little stiff yesterday.

I was holding my equipment tighter getting out of the bus when I reached The ice skate Arena.

I walked in and as always Kino and Yeo one were there.

"Y/n-ah! You are here!" He grins getting up and handing Yeo one a notebook.

"Hey guys!" I said putting both of my elbows on their counter.

"You really wont seem to rest! You are here every night!" Yeo one beamed at me while saying that.

"Believe me! It it was up to me that would be my actual home!" I answered in a sarcastic way.

"So what do you wanna do today?" Kino asked.

"Well... Today I just wanna practice!" I emphasized what I am keen on at this moment and he grabbed a pencil.

"I'll write your name down... Room number 6 is fine?" He asked but my eyes fell behind of him at the photo frames.

"Kino what's this?!" I walked all around until I could hold the photo frame in my hand.

He took a picture with Jeon Jungkook? Jeez!

"Oh! You like the picture? Jeon Jungkook visited us yesterday and of course I could not miss the chanc-"


They both bounced in their seat, flinching as I was madly out of my mind.

"What happened?" He asked quite shocked.

"How could you betray me twice in a single week Kino!" I touched my forehead unable to comprehend what just happened.

He didnt!

Who am I kidding? He did!

"What? Tell me you dont like Jeon Jungkook as well!" He answers and I roll my eyes.

"I hate Jeon Jungkook!"

"Well, who am I supposed to put in the walls if you hate every single hockey player Y/n!"

Well played, I have to say. I surely hate a lot of hockey players.

"Traitor!" Was the only thing I thought about.

"Grumpy!" Kino said with a smile. What's so funny ugly faced dude?!

"Aish I am going to room 6" I said going to find the room number he gave me...

I slid in quite focused on my main goal, to practice.

I put on my ice skate equipment and made my way to the skate arena. With the jock on my one hand I let the ball fall down.

I need to get my mind of things.

Let's practice Y/n!



Hello guys!!!!!

How are you? I hope you are alm perfect and living the best of your life hehe...

How did you find my chapter? Was it flat? What do you think will happen next? Will Y/n join a team after? Why Jimin doesn't want her on his team? Will she meet Jungkook again?

Comment your theories and also vote the story if you liked it.

I appreciate your support. Love you allllllll ♥️

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