1: Just a dream

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Y/n's pov: 

The blue light from the Tv screen was illuminating the darkness the room was full with

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The blue light from the Tv screen was illuminating the darkness the room was full with. Staring at it with eyes wide open, like I was compelled more like cast under a spell. Immersed at every little movement. 

The ice was capturing my eyes, hypnotizing them while having me trembling in agony.

Red wings have to defeat the blue austranuts!

I've been an avid hockey fan for as long as I can remember myself and that team always captured me unlike anything else.

But what really was keeping me mesmerized was...


He was a shiny new star for the NHL's shiny new era, one suddenly infused by the great skill arriving from Eastern Europe and powered by the League's biggest marketing push to date.

I can retain a lot of memories. Especially that sagnificant time when I spotted him playing hockey and realized It was a worthy dream for me! 

I could imagine me on the ice actually skating with my jock and a uniform. After having that thought for the first time back then the ensuing step was to try. 

So I learned about that hockey center, some miles away from my town. I didn't wanna be spotted playing hockey cause literally this town is really against female players! It sucks! I know!

Well, not exactly but no other girls seemed to be keen on hockey by trying to get into the hockey teams we had at school. I was about to... but... It's a big story!

C'mon Sergei! Win this game! C'mon! My fists clenched being so agitated in my hundred thoughts. I was so invested that I barely noticed Jimin standing right behind the couch with both of his hands on it and having that smirk plastered on his face.

"They are gonna lose! lose! lose! lose!'

He was mimicking the voice of the sport intreviwer. I turned and lightly pushed his face to regain some of my personal space.

Let me elaborate. Jimin is my older brother... He is a senior in high school... And I am his introvert sister that only has one friend! 

Yep! I am an outcast!

Jimin scouted right next to me on the couch, with his feet brushing up against the wooden table. Guys are pigs... I ignored him and focused on the game once again.

"I can't undrestand I am a better player than this guy!" He was plowing ahead with that stupid idea and I snorted. 

"Jimin... He is an athlete... You are a loser in some hockey pants!" I crossed my arms, leaning back as our arms slightly touched.

"What? Hey! You know we are good! Green legends Horrey! There is nothing in our way!" He acted like a cheerleader and I rolled my eyes.

"Jimin... Can you shut the hell up? It's 12!" Our father screamed from upstairs and I giggled. He stiffened right away and look behind of him just to spot dad. 

"I am sorry!" He whispered softly and gently this time. Snapping his head towards me he had that death glare, shooting daggers at me. Of course he would!

"If you don't like our team why are you always begging to try out?" He hissed with his arms tightly crossed being quite scornfull at the moment.

"Because you don't let me to try out for the other team!" I hissed back, turning my head to the opposite direction before his cheeks flashed red. With a scoff, he decided to counter his outlook, for the millionth time... this year!

"Cause they are the opponents! Also you will get humiliated!" He retorted and thats what drives  me crazy. Τhat aspect is implausible and invalid.

"Just because I am a girl that does not mean I will get humiliated!" I almost whispered with my head looking at a totally different direction, out of the foggy window.

"I was not even reffering to your gender... but now as I am thinking about it... It's definetly a plus!" He explained and I was boiling inside. I seized the pillow behind of my back and banged it on his stupid face.

"Hey hey Chill!" He grabbed the pillow and placed it behind his back this time, removing his feet from the table. I am disappointed having such an arrogant brother.

"Listen! You don't have to be in a team! Aren't you going secretly at that hockey center! You can just play there!" He suggested like he found the ideal emulsion for my wound.

"It's different to belong with a team than playing as someone individual an 1 vs 1 game and you know it!" I hissed taking the second pillow behind my back and hit him but harsher this time.

"Are you gonna stop hitting me with pillows?"


"Y/n what do you want?" He desperetly asked quite eager but also annoyed. Aish! I made it as crystal clear as I could but he is a dimwit!

"Let me get in the team! You know that I am not a bad player! Everyone in the center glorifies me and you know it!" I stated some facts that hurt him cause I am hella better and he knows.

"Yes but not more than me! People literally are asking for autographs when I am coming to pick you up!" Okay that is partly true! They indeed beg for a single autograph but that doesnt mean he is better than me. He just belongs in a team and that promotes him gradually!

"Please just let me on the team!!!!" I kneeled down in a begging position and interlacing my fingers together. He tenderly carressed the top of my head having that annoying smirk. 

"For the 1000th time.. No!" He turned me off right away and got up from the couch. What a jackass! I don't know the valid reasoning behind backlashing in that way! 

I can't believe him! I wanna join the team... And that team can be either Green ledgens... or... Red devils!

But if I try out for the second team he is gonna light fire all around my skin!

I am so indecisive and ambivalent when it comes to taking action... But maybe I should think about it clearer tomorrow.



Hey guys!

That's a new book I have been working on for the last month.

I hope you like it although it's kinda flat sometimes but thank you for giving it a try anyway!

How did you find the first chapter? Will Y/n try out for the second team against her brother's?

See you soon guys.

Luv u

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