18: Pervert

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Jungkook's pov:

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Jungkook's pov:

Walking in the classroom quite early just to finish with one of my responsibilities for today.

Yoongi forced me to talk to Mr. Kim and inform him that Y/n will not be able to attend some lessons because of the practice.

I was lucky enough to spot him sitting on his chair reading a book. My footsteps alerted him that I was in the same place as him.

"Oh Jungkook! Good morning!" He beamed like we are friends. Is he so friendly with everyone?

"Hi... I have to talk to you Mr. Kim!" I politely asked so he had nothing else to do than push his book against his desk and focus on me.

"Of course... do you maybe wanna sit?" He offered me the table right in front of his desk and I quietly slid onto the chair.

"Mr Kim I wanted to inform you about Kim Y/n" His smile grew wider when I said her name.

"Oh Y/n... What about Y/n?" I heard his every syllable and that man was happy without a reason.

"She is on the ice hockey team so she will be losing some of your lessons! You dont have a problem, right sir?"

"What? Of course not! She can attend all your practices!" I softly nod and get up from my seat but before turning my back at him he called out my name.

"It's really nice of you Jungkook!"

His voice gave me goosebumps. Slowly my head was lifting up until I was able to meet his eyes.

"To let her on the team! It's really nice!" He smiled at me this time. For a weird reason I had the sudden urge to smile too but I did not. I restrained myself and briefly nodded.

With lack of words I walked out of the classroom just to go to find my friends.

Y/n's pov:

Fianlly the time of the practice was around the corner. I fleed out of the class so enlighted by my dream coming true. I am proud of myself... Proud proud. I deserve it.

My palms were getting sweaty I was walking down the empty hallway that was leading in the skate arena.

Walking in, the first one I managed to glimpse at was the browen eyed boy staring at me while putting on his shirt.


Well, He was shirtless and my eyes managed to see some tottoos. His body was like a work of art that an artist painted.

Covering my eyes, I gulped in the realization I was staring to his perfectly defined body, covered with extra moisty sweat, and all these tattoes.

The shirt enveloped his skin just right and he finally saw me. He giggles!

"Why are you closing your eyes?" He crossed his arms, glancing at me quite timidly this time.

"I-I am not!" I fiercely uncovered my eyes, playing it all cool like I was not staring at his abs a while ago.

"You are early, how come?" He pinpointed, leading my next action to be a friendly check over my clock. I am 30 minutes early? Wow? Why am I so early?

"Oops! I came 30 minutes early!" I brought my two hands together, right behind of my back. Why am I nervous?

"I am 50 minutes early! But time passed quite quickly!" He said so unbothered opening a locker to put in his clothes.

He was ready to take off his pants to wear his uniform.

"What are you doing?" I cover my eyes once again.

"Um... Dressing up... We have practice in a while!"

"And you have to do that in front of me?"

"Well, We are teammates now! That's what we do!"

"D-does that mean that I will have to do it as well?" I gulp quite petrified and although I had a blurry vision in between my fingers I could hear him giggling.

"Well... I wouldn't mind!" He smirked and I knew he was ready after a while. Uncovering my eyes, I spotted him being all dressed in his unifrom.

"Pervert!" I was about to leave but he was fast enough to seize my hand and turn me all around so my back bumped onto the concrete wall.

Slowly my eyes dared to look at his doe quite sparkly eyes, staring down at me.

"I-I... I am not done..." He stuttered. The fact that he was that close to me could scare the shit out of me.

"W-what do you want?"

"I let you on the team... Cause I wanted to! That was the reason! You asked me yesterday! That's my answer. I-I want you on the team!" I was not expecting any of these. It was so unexpected I actually could not proceed any moves.

"But... Why? You said that I am arrogant! Grumpy! Why would you want me on the team..."



He was ready to answer but the door fell open distracting us completely. Yoongi and Tae interrupted us. We both regained some of our personal space and acted like nothing happened.

"Yo-you are-" I softly said ready to freak out.

"24 minutes-" Jungkook complets my sentence.

"Early!" I finished it this time and they looked at each other...

"We know! But we have to dress up!" Tae said and took off his shirt tossing it to the floor.

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed running out.

"Dude are you serious?" I heard Jungkook screaming at Tae as I was running away. My poor poor eyes had to witness Tae's body.

I walked out, at the yard trying too get the image out of my head. Not so many time after, Jungkook walked out of the building and seized my wrist once again.

"Let's go! The whole team is dressed... You dont have to freak out..." He started walking towards the door holding my hand.

"I-i am not..." He stopped and turned around scanning my body from head to toe... That was so awkward!

"I have an Idea... But you... have to trust me!"


"Follow me!" He ordered but just dragged me down like my opinion about this does not count. Thanks Jungkook!



Hello guys... did you like the chapter? Did you like Jungkook or is he still a brat? Where is he taking Y/n? Should she trust him?

Tell me whatever you want in the comments and dont forget to vote if you liked my work.

Thanks for the support and I love you all hehe...

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