37 - The Big Boys

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37 - The Big Boys

You know the drill; it's a little gory, so skip if you want/need to!!

"Make it fast, but efficient." Calum told the group of men standing in front of him alongside Luke and Ashton for orders, "Kill any and all of his men that you find and bring Sykes here to us."

They nodded easily before exiting the room, leaving it to the three plus another small group of four men that were to the side with guns in their hands, ready and willing to protect the two drug lords and the drug dealer present in the room.

"I can't wait to finally take his life." Ashton said darkly when he picked up a large knife from a box of weapons he was sure to bring with him, "And I'm going to do it slowly."

"This is going to be hot." Luke smirked at Calum as they both watched Ashton's ultimate sadistic side come out.

Ashton has been wanting Sykes' blood on his hands for so long and after what he did to Michael and for threatening Luke's life, Ashton was even more ready for tonight's events.

"As much as I want you to take your time on the piece of shit..." Calum stated seriously and even slightly in a reminding way, "As soon as we're done here we're heading to California to get Michael back."

"That british scum is fucking lucky that we don't have days available to torture him to death." Ashton seethed out.

"I still want you to make it painful." Calum requested when he crossed his arms.

"It's like you don't even know me." Ashton frowned and dramatically grabbed at his heart. But a door being slammed open with men dragging in a struggling and cussing Sykes interrupted the three.

"That was fast." Luke scoffed when he watched two men pull the target into the room before tying him to the chair that was placed in the middle.

"You boys get the big prize tonight." Calum told the two men once they were finished with securing Sykes, "I'll be sure to pay you once we get back from California. Now all of you wait outside the door and make sure no one gets in."

All the sidemen obeyed Calum's orders silently as they crowded out of the door, leaving Sykes to his demise in the hands of Luke, Calum, and the burning in anger Ashton.

Grabbing a certain knife from his special box, Ashton stepped in front of the struggling Sykes before he sent him an evil smirk. Slamming the weapon down, he stabbed Sykes in the upper thigh with the knife, leaving it there as he heard the loud screams of agony.

"You sure aren't wasting any time." Luke laughed as he nonchalantly grabbed another chair from the back, dragging it over to the tortured man to watch the show.

"Like Calum said, once we're out of here we get to see princess." Ashton sent a smile towards Luke before turning back to Sykes with a large glare, "That's the knife I stabbed your cousin's thigh with. Thought it was only suitable to begin with that."

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