32 - He's Next

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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।


32 - He's Next

"I'm going to bash his face into the ground." Ashton growled as soon as he stepped up to the brunette and blonde that were standing in a random, dirty alleyway in the middle of the city, "I should of either been fucking princess or getting fucked by one of you by now if this shit didn't pop up."

"You're going to be even more pissed off when you get a look at this." Calum said too nonchalantly for what they were standing in front of.

Ashton narrowed his eyes in confusion at the two before stepping past them, his eyes then widening in surprise.

"You're fucking kidding me..." He muttered out.

"Afraid not, gorgeous."

"That's it: he's going to be dead by the end of the night." Ashton stated with dark sadism, needing to ignore the heart warming nickname said by Calum.

In front of them was a dead body of a random man none of them knew. It was too obvious he was an innocent, and that was crossing a line.

He was a tall, blonde haired man that was covered in blood as he laid on the ground, laying on his deathbed. A cruel death was obviously met for the man, and the pool of blood and uncountable stab wounds shown through his white t-shirt pinpointed that.

But what was the worst about this scene being performed for them was the certain picture and note laid next to the dead man.

It was a picture of Luke, one that had to of been taken by somebody following him with the fact that the photo showed him walking into the apartment complex holding Calum's place.

Then was the note that made that much more concerning.

He's next.

Both Calum and Ashton felt rage boil up inside of their bodies as they put the pieces together in a short few seconds. Sykes made it very clear to them: he was shooting an eye for an eye.

They killed his cousin, so he was going to kill the man he thought they loved. And unfortunately, he got it correct.

Calum quickly turned to his side to face Luke, placing his hand gently onto the other's cheek as he peered into the frightened, blue eyes.

A powerful drug lord just threatened his life in a gory and horrific way, of course he was afraid for his life and well-being.

"Nothing is going to happen to you. I won't let it happen and Ashton won't let it happen." Calum said seriously to try to calm Luke down.

"I-I know." He shakily responded, looking back at the body that closely resembled himself for the purpose of saying it would be him next.

"I'm serious." Calum said with gritted teeth in response to the anger still living within from this, pulling Luke's face back forwards to peer at himself again instead of the dead body, "You're ours and no one will get to you except for us."

"You're to stay with one of us at all times." Ashton commanded as he took a step in front of the other two that were in their moment, "No exceptions."

"What about Michael? He could be in danger and he would have no idea what it even meant if Sykes approached him." Luke mentioned worried at all the possibilities.

There was no possible way Luke was going to let Michael get hurt all over again.

"I doubt it." Calum started as he moved his hand away and looked between the two, "If they knew about him they would of threatened him as well. This is against Ashton and I, and he wants to take everything we care about. That's you and Michael. But all he knows about is you, Luke."

"What do we do with that then?" Luke asked when he referenced to the body with a subtle nod.

"Leave it for whoever to clean up." Ashton shrugged unbothered about that situation, "But we're taking the note and picture, and we're burning them."


The three men stood side by side like they always seemed to do by now.

But this time was different. Because Luke was paying attention to what the other two had to say for the crowd of people before them. Ashton and Calum had their powerful eyes ahead at their people, ready to lead and give demands.

"We're hitting him next week at his cliche, trashy party that's being held in one of his penthouses." Ashton said as he peered across the filled room, "If any of his men recognize you or us be sure to take them out. You get to Sykes, you bring him to us three, and we'll finish the job."

"Obviously be on the look out for any attack on us. Especially Luke with the threat that was given." Calum added to the orders, "For every one of his men you kill, you'll receive $30,000. If you bring us Sykes, you'll be rewarded with $100,000."

Even in that dire situation, Luke couldn't stop a grin from popping up. Calum and Ashton were always so flashy—especially with their money—and he loved that new sense of financial invincibility.

"And the innocents?" A random man with tattooed littered over every possible surface of his body asked. The large "A.I." tattooed on his left hand in bold, black ink let everyone know that he was a part of Ashton's empire.

"Like always don't intentionally harm them in any way. But this is a night where if collateral damage is needed then it will be done." Calum crossed his arms darkly, heightening the meaning of what he just said.

Some were going to get hurt in the crossfire, even if they played no part of the world. But they were desperate for Sykes to be dead.

Once he threatened Luke, there was no possible way to allow him to live. It had to be done one way or another.

Ashton definitely didn't mind. He was sadistically excited for the man's death. It was going to be his new favorite kill.


Sheesh. Sykes' threat towards Luke? 🤨 Crazy shit you guys.


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