13 - Dangerous

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13 - Dangerous

Michael so desperately wished that he had a cigarette and lighter on him to smoke away his overwhelming stress.

But he didn't bring either with him, since he knew that Ashton didn't approve of his addiction.

The two had been talking and seeing each other more recently, and Michael couldn't lie and say that he hasn't got used to and doesn't like the other's company.

He liked his friendship, even though he knew that Ashton wanted to sleep with him. He was also attracted to Ashton, but he was afraid.

He was afraid of intimacy ever since Luke broke his heart. He was afraid that once he let Ashton completely in his life, he would just take what he wanted and leave him in the dust, forgotten like a single spec.

All he could do was ignore his want for his unhealthy escape, staring out into the bright stars instead.

The dark sky full of gleaming lights was the only thing that seemed to calm him down other than cigarettes.

He wished sometimes that he could be all the way up there instead of down here. He wouldn't have to deal with the drama of people and the drama followed by society.

The sidewalk was busy with people running around for their night, and Michael was used to this rush that New York always had. It really was the city that never sleeps, and the constant amount of people made him eventually learn how to tune everyone out.

The only one that could never escape from his mind was Luke, and it was even proven physically when he felt a hand on his shoulder, ending his star gazing trance.

Looking to the side, he tensed up when he saw that it was Luke.

"What do you want, Luke?" He sighed out as he kept his eyes on the dressed up blonde.

He looked different compared to the five years ago him. His lip piercing wasn't there anymore, and his hair was longer compared to his short quiff. It was weird seeing him in such fancy attire. They never engulfed themselves in expensive things, since they couldn't afford it, but now there was a different, rich man in front of him.

The only reason why Michael was dressed in a more expensive all black suit himself that night was because Ashton bought it for him, ensuring that it was fine with him and that he wanted to do it for Michael.

He didn't want to accept the free clothes, but Ashton had convinced him to. Michael and Luke simply lived in different worlds now.

"You need to stay away from Irwin." Was all Luke said as he leaned up against the wall next to Michael, peering at the shorter one.

"Who's Irwin?" Michael asked confused.

"It's um...Ashton's last name." Luke was uncomfortable saying the word 'Ashton,' but he had to in order to explain to Michael.

Obviously, Luke and Ashton weren't close and personal and that's what calling each other by their first names meant.

Michael scoffed and said, "We haven't seen each other for five years after you left me behind and the first thing you have to tell me is to stay away from another man? You're ridiculous."

"It's not like that." Luke insisted as he noticed Michael already starting to get worked up from the small conversation.

"Then what's it like?"

"He's bad news and you shouldn't be around him."

"Whatever, Luke. I'm not listening to this." Michael rolled his eyes and stared back up at he stars.

"Please." Luke kept trying, "I'm thinking about your safety right now."

"Oh so you're suddenly worried about me? You didn't seem to be when you broke my heart and told me that you didn't love me."

"It's not about that." Luke sighed and placed his hand softly on Michael's shoulder again, but the other shrugged it off.

"How are you even out of prison right now?" He ignored the pressing matters of the subject of them and their love.

"It's a long story."

"Still in the dark with lies. I see."

Luke wasn't used to this side of Michael. He'd always been so caring and sweet, but now he was angry and hurt.

"How can you suddenly afford all of this?" Michael asked referring to Luke's luxurious outfit.

Luke furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at the question, since Michael was wearing a nice suit as well and he knew nothing about his financial struggles. It's hard to realize that not everyone is in the same state as yourself, and people struggle with different things.

"I could ask you the same thing." Luke avoided the question for obvious reasons. All his money that he made was rooted from illegal sells and operations.

"Ashton bought me all this stuff."

Luke clenched his jaw at this. He didn't like Ashton, even though he had barely just met him. He was too close to Michael for his liking, and he wasn't going to let this continue on.

"Listen to me and listen to me well..." Luke's sudden stern tone alerted Michael, making him look up at the blonde with widened eyes as he saw the other giving him a dark look that dared disobedience, "You're going to stay away from Irwin and you're never going to see him again."

Michael was truly taken aback by this scene of events, and all he could do was stare at his brooding ex in shock. But this small stage ended as his anger came flooding back when he processed what Luke was really doing.

"Screw you, Luke!" Michael snarled and pushed at Luke's chest, "You can't just suddenly appear in my life five years later and order me around like I'm some dog."

Luke pushed Michael back against the wall, trapping him there by being in front of him. But Michael didn't give up his glare and watched with angered eyes as Luke gripped his chin.

"This isn't some game to play. He's dangerous and I'm dangerous. Get out of his grip before he crushes you."

Before Michael could make a sassy comeback in return, a voice interrupted the situation.

"Let him go, Hemmings." Calum commanded as soon as his eyes fell on the powerful blonde holding the smaller one against the wall.

Ashton stood next to Calum with his arms crossed, not expecting for the brunette to stand up for Michael.

"I'm serious, Michael." Luke seriously said before he took a small step back, "Stop with whatever this is."

"Fuck off." Michael sneered and walked past Luke, looking at Ashton expectantly, "Let's go, Ashton."

"Yes, sir." Ashton cockily smirked in Luke's direction as he walked past the said man and grabbed Michael's hand for them to start leaving the scene.

Neither of them gave Luke or Calum a second glance after they made their way down the block, hands interlocked while one was angered to the extreme while the other one was gleaming in a win.

Michael chose Ashton over Luke, even when Luke warned him not to.


Alright now that we've gotten a taste of all of them, what's your favorite ship so far? ❤️


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