40 - Selfishly in Love

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40 - Selfishly in Love

"Sykes is dead." Calum's loud voice was heard from across the room where countless amounts of people littered with tattoos were held in, "But that doesn't mean his little cult is. If you see any of his groupies running around trying to avenge his death then kill them."

Ashton grinned chaotically across from Calum and towards Luke who only shook his head amused and looked back forwards, trying to adjust to this new life of his.

Being with Calum and Ashton made Luke more powerful. He wasn't just a drug dealer now. He was helping the other two continue to run their empire by doing whatever he could by their sides.

"This partnership that's been created will not be ending after Sykes' death like it was supposed to." Calum continued explaining, earning a sudden murmur of confusion sweep over all the people.

"Quiet." Ashton ordered darkly, making all the men and women go silent, "Luke, Calum, and the non-present Michael are mine. If anyone has an issue with this and the permanent partnership then you can come visit me privately and I'll have no problem...working it out."

The sadistic smirk covering the man's face was enough to scare the workers away from creating any type of dismay towards the partnership.

"The three of us will be running things together now. Michael isn't to be involved. If anyone even speaks to him without our permission then you will die." Calum started laying down the rules, "If anyone challenges us, you will die. If you think we shouldn't have killed Sykes, you will die."

"Any questions?" Ashton chirped with too much energy.

The audience remained quiet. The way things were running now was quite simple. Luke, Calum, and Ashton ruled the city. There was no challenging it or fighting against it.

They were now the most powerful men in the city. Anyone has to be completely stupid and delusional to try to fight against this.

"Leave." Calum said once no one responded, earning the instant leave of the audience. Once the room was completely empty, Calum sighed dramatically and beckoned for the other two to follow him to his office down the hallway.

Calum sat in his chair while Luke sat across from him on the other side of the desk. Ashton being Ashton sat on Calum's lap and draped his arm over his shoulder.

"Why so tense?" Ashton asked with a small frown, pressing a loving kiss onto Calum's cheek.

"We have everything situated now. Sykes is dead and the city knows who's in charge now. We're okay, Calum." Luke said seriously, trying to convince the brunette they were safe.

"I know one day his men will try to avenge his death. It won't be pretty."

"One day maybe. But for now they're scattered like little ants. They're running around without a leader confused on what to do and who to be. Any of their attempts will be pathetic."

"Listen to him, Calum. No one can get to us." Ashton said lovingly, running his hands comfortably on Calum's shoulders, "We're now the most powerful men of the city. But we'll still remain careful."

"If we're the most powerful men of the city why do I feel so desperate? I can't get the one thing I want."

"Michael." Luke said once he figured out what Calum was referencing to. Ashton sighed when he notice Calum go silent from this because Luke was right.

Ashton understood where Calum was coming from. Both of them were men who always got what they wanted. But yet Michael still wasn't theirs no matter how much they wished he was.

Calum wasn't used to this at all. He felt like a failure. He felt like his love and what he could provide to Michael wasn't enough.

"It will take time. He's mad." Luke tried.

"He's mad at me." Calum said in return, earning two confused looks.

"He's mad at all of us, Cal." Ashton said worriedly. Why was Calum so set on the fact that Michael was only mad at him?

"It's all my fault. I was the one who decided to not tell him about who we are. I decided to keep him unprotected, thinking he wouldn't be hurt. I decided to let him leave the apartment, leading to him running away from here. I decided to force him back here where he's unhappy. I'm too fucking selfish to let him go."

"Sorry here, Calum, but you're not the leader or the boss of us. You didn't decide anything. We decided together as a team. Did you forget that?" Ashton said seriously, trying to get Calum's mind out of the negative gutter, "It was our decision too. And Luke is right; it's going to take time."

Calum didn't say anything in return. He only met Ashton's stare with a blank one.

"And I'm okay with you being selfish. You're selfishly in love and I find it so fucking hot." Ashton smirked when he saw Calum grin lightly, "You know what and who you want, and you go for it. If you didn't then neither Luke or I would be yours. If you don't then Michael won't be yours."

"What do we do?" Calum looked at Luke expectantly, since the blonde knew the man they were speaking about the best.

"When he's mad he shuts down. He won't talk to any of us. He'll act like we simply don't exist, even if we're in the same room as him. We have to do the talking and the mending."

"It's already been a week and I've barely even seen him." Ashton frowned.

"He'll stay in his room as much as possible. We need to force him out of there in a way that won't get him more angered."

"We need to set up a date then." Ashton smiled brightly, excited to do the planning.

"Sounds perfect to me, sunshine." Calum hummed, bringing Ashton more into his hold by pressing the man's back into his chest.

Ashton already started mentally brainstorming, wanting to finally mend them all together once and for all.


Who's excited to see what Ashton has in store to hopefully make it up to Michael? 👀

What do you think about the trio being together??


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