44 - Proclamations of Love

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44 - Proclamations of Love

"Good morning, my lovelies." Ashton smiled at the two men once he stepped into the kitchen.

"Hey, sunshine. Do you want me to make you a cup?" Luke asked, referencing to the coffee he was making for himself.

"Yes, please."

He sat down at the table, being across from Calum who was reading a book. Ashton narrowed his eyes in confusion at the action. He has never seen the man reading a book before.

"Cal?" Ashton asked confused, gaining the attention from the brunette man, "Why are you reading?"

Calum shrugged nonchalantly, "Luke mentioned to me a while ago that he picked up the habit of reading when in prison and that this one was his favorite."

"But...you don't like reading?"

"I don't. But Luke always rereads it and talks to me about it. So I thought I should read it through to talk to him about it in return."

Ashton grinned affectionately at the man once he looked back down at the small printed words. While Ashton was a man who did large things to profess his love, Calum was a man who used smaller, but meaningful techniques.

Ashton thought it was enduring of the other. He was excited for Luke, knowing that the man was going to be ecstatic that Calum was doing that for him.

Luke came to the table with only two cups of coffee, since Calum wasn't a coffee drinker. He'd much rather drink a cup of orange juice, but he decided to pass on it for that morning.

Soon Michael came into the kitchen, making Calum slowly close his book and making Luke peer at the man quietly.

Michael has never made his appearance for their morning before. It was strange for them two. But to Ashton it wasn't. He grinned at the man, especially when he sat down next to him.

"Good morning, gorgeous." Ashton said lovingly, leaning in and giving Michael a short, good morning kiss that he accepted.

Calum and Luke watched this unfold with confused, deep stares.

"What the hell?" Luke said quietly for Calum to hear.

"I don't know." Calum said in return.

Michael blushed from the attention from Ashton, eventually forcing himself to look away from the man he forgave last night to look at the other two.

It wasn't fair to forgive Ashton and not Luke and Calum. But Ashton's conversation with him last night was deep and honest. He was sincere about his apology. Michael hasn't gotten that from Luke or Calum. So he couldn't do it yet.

Calum and Luke didn't say anything. They only stared at Ashton and Michael in confusion, waiting for an answer.

"I'm gonna get some water. I'll be back." Michael said before leaving into the kitchen.

"Michael and I talked last night. All is well with us." Ashton explained briefly, earning a small nod from Luke.

"I can see that..." Luke said with confusion still laced within himself and his words.

"What did you talk about?" Calum asked, hopefully getting insight about what to do himself.

"I was just honest about my guilt and I gave him an apology he deserved." Ashton said while he gave both of the men a pointed look, "I'd advise you both to do the same, so we can finally get past this."

"A sincere apology?" Calum asked just to make sure.

"Yes and many proclamations of love."

"And much moaning?" Luke grinned cheekily.

Ashton rolled his eyes, "I can't believe out of all people I'm saying this, but it's not all about sex, blondie. How about we focus on the love part first and then we can focus on the sex?"

"I was just fucking with you. But I can't believe out of all people you said that either. Are you even still my little slut?" Luke joked around with him with his devious smirk.

"Like you have to ask." Ashton smirked back, "I'll always be your slut."

"That's what I thought." Luke hummed out seductively, "You sure you want to focus on the love first? Because I just got the great idea of bending you over the table and making you come all over Calum's book."

"Not on my fucking book." Calum said seriously, quickly grabbing his said book and putting it in his lap.

"Calum's a nerd now." Ashton cooed.

"He's a cute nerd." Luke laughed and grabbed Calum's cheeks in his grip, squeezing the skin.

Calum quickly wacked his hands away with a scowl. Michael then made his way back in with his cup of water, sitting down next to Ashton.

"Today's business: I'm going to speak with Sharon about those Sykes cult members she found last night. I'll go down and speak with them. Ashton, I think you should go down to Terry's to pick up the new supply and make sure it's all in order. Luke, stay here and keep in contact with your unit." Calum gave them the day's layover of events, "Tomorrow we're going to a party."

"A party?" Luke asked curiously.

"It's nothing crazy. Just some clean businessmen thinking renting out a nightclub for the night means that they're top shit. But I need their connections, so I don't mind showing up for a few hours."

"Sounds fun. I haven't been out to a club in a while." Ashton hummed.

"Surprisingly me neither." Luke mentioned.

"Can I go?" Michael asked, looking at Ashton.

Ashton grinned affectionately, "Of course you can come, princess. There's no harm in it. Right, Calum?"

"There's nothing illegal or unsafe that will be there. You'll be safe, so I want you to come." He said seriously, staring into the pair of green eyes he still loved.

"Okay." Michael nodded, looking at Ashton knowingly.

"Only if you don't try to dress me up like your doll again."

Ashton laughed loudly from this, making Michael sigh. He should have known better than thinking Ashton wouldn't try.

"But you are my little doll." Ashton pouted dramatically.

"What am I missing?" Calum asked.

"For the party where we all officially met I spent hours with Michael trying to decide on what to wear both for myself and for him. Let's just say our tastes...differ."

"That's an understatement. He wanted me to wear either a tight, velvet suit or a mini skirt and crop top. Neither was going to work."

"I wouldn't mind either of those options on you, kitten." Luke smirked devilishly, making Michael blush slightly.

"Maybe tomorrow night you'll say yes to one of those?" Ashton asked with an entertained grin on his face once Michael glared at him.

"Yeah right."


Heyooo, just wondering if there's anything you guys want to see in this book? I have some stuff already written up, but I wanna see what you want to see happen :)


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