8 - Little Invite

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8 - Little Invite

Placing his hands on the glass wall in front of him, Ashton looked down at the glowing lights that lit up the city below him.

With his office lights switched off, anyone that would walk in and see Ashton silently reflecting in the dark would think that he was in a certain mood.

But he was really just dealing with his thoughts and thinking about what it was that he was going to do. His mind was ferociously running like a mad business man.

He had to take Sykes down and he knew that he'd have to gain Hood's partnership to do it.

Sykes is a powerful man, but Hood is too.

If they were to join forces then Sykes would be the one struggling and that would eventually resolve to his fall.

A phone call interrupted his certain headspace, and so he walked back to his dark brown desk from the end of the room. Peering at the caller ID, he scoffed because speaking of the devil.

"What a pleasure to be receiving a call from you, Sykes." Ashton said sarcastically as his hello once he accepted the call and put the call on speaker.

"Ashton, we haven't spoke in a while." Ashton cringed as he heard the british accent call him by his first name.

No one called each other by their first names around here and in this business. It was a sign of friendship and closeness, and Ashton didn't appreciate it.

"It's Irwin to you, Sykes." He gritted out.

His displeasure of Sykes was apparent around the city, and the enemy used that to his advantage.

The british man on the other line laughed as he ignored the statement, "What's new happening around your part of the city?"

"You're acting like you don't sell in my area and that I don't sell in yours."

"Lighten up, will you? I'm calling you up on my own time to send you a little invite."

"An invite?" Ashton quizzed.

"I'm having myself a little event. Drinking, drugs, and business. Many are invited and I'd like you to attend."

"And why would you want me there? I don't enjoy your company." Ashton didn't hesitate in showing his certain thoughts towards the said man.

"Oh I know. I'm hoping that I can change yours and Hood's minds on me."

"Hood is going?" Ashton asked surprised.

He thought that with their conversation that took place just a couple weeks ago went well and that Calum would let him know if he was going to do anything surrounding Sykes. Did he chose a side?

"He suddenly has a sour mood for me as well. I'm sure that's due to your certain methods of persuasion."

The hint in Sykes tone was obvious to Ashton, but he didn't care. Ashton was a known man-whore and he was proud.

He could have anyone in his bed in an instant, and that's how he liked it. A warm body with him at night, but an empty bed in the morning was what Ashton called a contented life.

"Everyone's allowed a plus one as well." Sykes mentioned once Ashton didn't respond.

"I'll go with Hood." Ashton grumbled still internally upset that Calum didn't talk to him about this.

"He's bringing that Hemmings man."

Ashton felt his blood boil even more.

"Hemmings?" Ashton tried to play dumb, attempting to get Sykes to slip up on any information he might have on this mysterious man that always seems to be around Calum's actions now.

"Haven't met him, but I've heard a lot. Hood and him seem to be the best of friends now."

"Whatever." Ashton dismissed the subject when he realized like always Sykes would be no help or use to him, "When is it?"

"Next month on the twentieth."

Events like this were planned in advanced. Having a large get together of this importance couldn't be taking place in just a simple week, since people in this business are busy and can't just drop plans and other events.

"I'll be there."

"Pleasant to hear. Who will be your plus one?"

Ashton paused. He really didn't know, and that angered him even more with this whole situation. He wasn't one to struggle with attention from either males or females, and yet he had no idea who his date was going to be.

He growled and said, "I'll figure it out."

Sykes chuckled humorously from this, making Ashton even more angered if that was possible.

"Bye, Sykes." Ashton said quickly and hung up on the other drug lord.

Walking back to the glass window, his eyes wondered across from the lights.

His building was tall in height, and he had a good overcast of a large amount of the city. His eyes eventually stopped on a familiar building and that's when he got an idea.

The tall, but run-down building held a pretty, pale man that Ashton thought was attractive. He only had people that he enjoyed in both personality and in looks by his side, and Michael definitely fit both of those.

The only problem was that Michael is an innocent, and he shouldn't be including him in this mess.

But Ashton didn't seem to care in the middle of this little frustrated mood, and his mind already started planning his scheme for all those at the event and for Michael.


More of a filler, but it's getting the plot moving for them all to eventually meet. ;)


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