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Prompt: Ashton comes up with a mischievous plan for Luke, Michael, and himself while Calum is gone.


"Hey, where's Calum?"

Michael and Ashton looked over when Luke suddenly walked into the living room.

"He's out getting some food for us. He'll be back soon." Ashton answered, watching Luke come over to sit next to him.

Ashton gave him a quick peck before reaching over to grab Michael to put his arm around him. Michael easily put his phone down and accepted the hug.

"I've been thinking of trying something...and I was wondering if you two wanted to try it out with me?"

Luke snickered knowingly, "You're always coming up with new things to try. Does your imagination ever stop?"

"When I live with two hotties and one cutie...no, it does not stop."

"Hey!" Michael whined dramatically, "I'm totally hot too. I'm not the cute one."

"Sure, kitten." Luke cooed, making Michael roll his eyes.

"What's your plan this time?" Michael asked Ashton interested. He couldn't lie and say that he ever disliked Ashton's ideas...

"It's not a secret that I'm the biggest switch out of all of us. So...I wanted to do both at the same time."

"Both?" Luke asked.

"Yeah." Ashton started to explain, "I love being dicked down, but I also love being in charge. Either side works for me. So I wanted to do both."

"How?" Michael asked.

"I want to fuck you." Ashton answered Michael, making Michael's eyes widen before Ashton looked at Luke, "While you fuck me."

"Fuck." Luke groaned, instantly getting a picture in his mind.

"Yeah?" Ashton smirked.

"God yes." Luke groaned before reaching over and bringing Ashton into a lustful kiss.

Both were instantly clashing against each other in lust. It didn't take a lot for them all to fall into a dark want for each other. They were all in love with each other and each other's bodies.

Even Michael was feeling the fire from within as he sat there and watched the other two kiss and touch each other desperately.

None of them could ever get enough. They probably would never contain their wants, leaving them to constantly dwell in each other.

Luke moaned loudly, but it was muffled by Ashton's mouth when Ashton reached down and harshly grabbed Luke's ass into his hands, clawing his nails in the jean covered skin.

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