33 - Giving You the Truth

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33 - Giving You the Truth

It was a normal day like usual to Michael. It was just becoming night time and he would have to start getting ready for his shift, which started in a couple of hours.

Being a few days after the cute dinner he had with Luke, Calum, and Ashton and not seeing them since, he missed their company.

They had been acting weird the past few days ever since that night took place, and he wanted to get down to the bottom of it. When they were getting ready to leave that night, the three were full of whispering conversations, leaving him out of whatever it was that was happening. Plus he's gotten close to no texts or calls from them.

Ashton hasn't even gave him a call, which is extremely out of his element with the fact that he used to call him five times a day, whining that he wanted to see him.

He hated when his mind fell into such dark and pessimistic places, but what if it was about him? What if they didn't have that interest in him any longer? This made him realize that he cared too much about what they thought about him, and he knew it was because he had feelings back for them.

Now it was starting to go downhill just as it was starting. But he wasn't going to ruin this for himself, and he was going to wait it out.

He hoped that it really just was business, and that they didn't want to stress him out with it. Maybe things would really work out this time.

A sharp knock at his door made him jump out of his thoughts, making him look towards the door confused. He wasn't expecting anyone to be coming over.

He swung himself off of his couch and walked towards the door, looking into a peephole to see an unfamiliar man full of tattoos. He narrowed his eyes in confusion, wondering if he should open the door.

But him being the unaware and innocent man he was he opened it with a, "Hello?"

"Michael Clifford...You are a tough man to get to." He heard the man say with a british accent before he let out a low laugh.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" He asked even more confused.

"The name's Oliver Sykes. Has your Ashton, Calum, or Luke mentioned me?"

"They told me you're a business rival." His eyes narrowed even more.

Sykes frowned dramatically, "They lie to you so much. I'm doing you a favor here by giving you the truth."

"The truth? What are you talking about?"

"Can I come in?" Sykes asked smugly, "I'd love to have a nice, long conversation to clear up all of the lies your boyfriends have been giving you."

"I— They're not...They're not my boyfriends." He murmured at the inference.

"Please." Sykes scoffed, "As if. Can I come in?"

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