10 - Some Delusion

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10 - Some Delusion

Even though Ashton had just seen Michael and was just feeling calmed down compared to before, he was now back to fuming at the actions of Calum.

He helped with everything that Calum didn't chose sides without letting him know, especially if that side happened to be Sykes.

Once he was back in his office from his little Michael run, he dialed the needed number and waited for the certain drug lord to answer.

"You have some fucking nerve accepting Sykes' invitation without even telling me about it. And to make things worse you're going with that Hemmings slut." Ashton said as soon as Calum answered the call.

"What are you on about now, Irwin?" Calum sighed out annoyed like always.

"Sykes little event he has planned. One minute we're talking about taking him down and the next you're playing house buddies with him." Ashton growled in anger.

"I never agreed to the partnership. But you're an idiot to think that us not going would help with the overall plan. Obviously going would get us closer to the enemy." Calum explained easily with his arms crossed as he stared at his phone in front of him that was put on speaker.

Ashton paused and stared ahead at the city below him in thought. He finally sighed more composed and asked, "It sounds like even if you don't want in on the partnership you're for the idea of taking Sykes down?"

"I never said that I wasn't interested." Calum mused, "But you're right about the profit side of this, it would be the best of all our interests to take him down. Plus, he's annoying as fuck with all these dumb ass parties."

Ashton chuckled at this and said, "I know. Do you really need three a month? I'm only going to this one due to the business side of it. All the others are purely cocaine and vodka."

"Don't forget the over-priced hookers." Calum snorted in distaste.

Both laughed for only a few seconds of clarity before Ashton heard another voice project through his phone's speakers.

"Hood, I need you to look over these stupid papers when you're done jerking off in your room!" Luke yelled from the other side of Calum's closed and locked bedroom door.

Calum scowled in annoyance and Ashton flared in anger.

"How's your slut doing?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Don't pull that shit." Ashton felt himself glare more, even if Calum couldn't see it, "You and Hemmings are obviously fucking."

"We aren't and it's still none of your business if we were."

"Yeah right." Ashton scoffed, "His name always comes up alongside yours. It's like you both are partners like I didn't offer you alliance."

"He works for me, Irwin." Calum groaned uninterested in this stupid drama.

"He's also in your home."

"He lives with me."

"So much fucking better."

"I don't know what little idea you've put in your head, but Hemmings and I just work together. You don't know shit. You only make shit up." Calum said angrily, starting to get worked up from this nonsense argument.

"Yet he's your little date to the event next month?" Ashton asked with jealousy apparent.

"Are you really going to be this crazy over me just because I fucked you one time while I was drunk? It didn't mean shit to me, so get over it and get over me. You're a fucking slut anyways, just find another dick to pound you."

"I'll see you at the event and we'll talk then. Till then I hope you think of me everytime Hemmings sucks your dick." Ashton seethed out before he hung up on the equally angered brunette.

Calum only growled and quickly stood up from the small desk situated in the corner of his room, storming out of his apartment's office and into the living room.

"Woah, what's wrong with you?" Luke asked as soon as he looked up from his phone as he lounged on Calum's couch and saw the fuming drug lord.

"Irwin causing drama like always." Calum angrily said as he violently grabbed the papers Luke mentioned earlier.

"Just do that later." Luke nonchalantly said before asking, "What's he saying now?"

Calum threw the papers down and said, "He's in some delusion that you and me are fucking and he's being a drama queen about it."

"He thinks that we're fucking?" Luke laughed out in disbelief.

"Yes." Calum growled out still angry from the argument he just had.

Luke saw how tense the other was and he couldn't ignore his own wants. He took this opportunity as soon as it was presented to him.

"Well why don't we just prove him right then?"

"Stop fucking around with me. I'm not in the mood." Calum warned darkly as he sat himself on the other couch across from Luke.

"I'm being serious." Luke stated seductively as his eyes darkened, "If he wants to get you all worked up and leave you so frustrated, I might as well step in and help my boss feel better."

Calum's eyes narrowed at the other, seeing how Luke didn't hold any sign of joking around or bluffing. Luke's own arousal at just the thought was obviously there and Calum couldn't lie and say that he didn't think that Luke was attractive.

He was a tall, broad man with pretty blue eyes, and Calum felt his anger and want overcome all other thoughts.

"Suck me off." He ordered simply, expecting no disobedience from the blonde sat in front of him.

Luke smirked in success and quickly stood up and made his way in front of Calum, dropping to his knees in between the other's muscular thighs.

"All nice and hard for me, boss?" Luke smirked up at the brunette once he started palming him.

"Don't fucking call me 'boss' when I'm about to fuck your mouth." Calum growled in warning as Luke instead pulled down his pants.

"If you don't want me to call you boss, you can call me daddy instead." Luke's devious grin became even wider as he pulled down Calum's boxers to reveal his large member.

But his short moment of glee was ended when Calum sharply gripped Luke's golden locks and pulled his head violently up.

"You really think that you're in charge, Hemmings? How fucking funny."

Luke only scoffed, roughly grabbing Calum's dick to start jerking him to full hardness.

Neither of them could let go the dark, challenging stares that they held. Both craved dominance and power, and the tension was never ending between the two men that didn't want to lose this control.

Blue eyes narrowed into brown, and brown eyes narrowed into blue. But neither of them could lie and say that they didn't feel the fires from within erupt even more with the challenge.


And I oop—Cake though. 🙈


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