16 - Too Much Tension

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16 - Too Much Tension

There was too much tension for such a large room that was called Ashton's office as three brooding men were sat together at the conference table placed in the space.

Ashton was glaring at Luke while Luke was glaring at him back, and Calum could only glare at both of them.

"This is fucking stupid. Partnering up with Irwin is going to get us no where other than locked up in prison or five feet under." Luke finally cut off the silence in order to state his displeasure of the matter.

"Well it won't be the first time you'll be behind bars, now will it?" Ashton smirked evilly.

Luke scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Is that really supposed to be an insult?"

"No, I'm just sharing the fact that you're the only one who's idiot enough to get busted."

"That was a lifetime ago. I was reckless back then." Luke defended himself honestly.

"You must of been, since you discarded Michael so easily like he was nothing."

This made Luke narrow his eyes instantly once Ashton brought up Michael.

"I told you to leave him alone." Luke glared warningly.

"I heard that you also told him to leave me alone, but yet he just can't seem to stay away from me." Ashton didn't hold back on his cockiness.

"Where's your little street whore then if he's so in love with you?" Calum asked displeased.

He was one to usually keep himself out of these stupid arguments, but he was tired of hearing the two bicker about the same man over and over again.

"He's not a street whore." Both Luke and Ashton simultaneously growled out at Calum, glaring at the brunette sat at the edge of the table.

"Really, he's not?" Calum sarcastically asked, "Because he's slept with both of you."

"Like we haven't fucked." Ashton glared even harder at Calum.

"Are you serious?" Luke angrily asked Calum, making the said man look at Luke confused on why he was suddenly even more mad, "You're going to call Michael a street whore for sleeping with both Irwin and I, but yet so have you?"

"So I was right?" Ashton dryly laughed, "Hemmings and Hood are more than simple work buddies."

"None of you mean shit to me, so stop with the games." Calum stated seriously.

"Exactly, Hood. You're the street whore here. You'll have anyone suck your dick just for the fun of it. Michael and I were in love, it wasn't for fun."

"And what's your excuse, Irwin? You in love with the innocent as well?"

Ashton scoffed at Calum's attitude before he answered, "We might not be in love, but we still care about each other."

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