14 - Rage

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14 - Rage

Rage was all that filled Luke's conscience as he stormed into his new home called Calum's apartment.

Slamming the door behind him after the two entered the space, Luke wanted to destroy anything he could get his hands on.

Ashton was his new enemy and he would do anything and risk anything just to put him in his place.

"You need to calm the fuck down, Hemmings." Calum warned as he saw this look in the other's blue eyes.

There was no way that Calum was going to let Luke's anger overcome his mental state and trash his apartment.

"I'm going to kill him." Luke growled.

"Who? Michael?" Calum casually asked as he went up to the mini bar placed in the room, pouring himself and Luke a much needed drink.

"No. Irwin." Luke growled yet again as he hastily grabbed the drink from Calum's hands, gulping the drink down in one go.

"You can't. I'm going to call him up tomorrow to set the partnership and plan up into motion." Calum said as he watched the cogs turn even more in Luke's head.

"No you're fucking not." Luke growled and pushed Calum harshly against the bar.

Calum definitely was not going to take that, especially with Luke's disobedience all night.

Grabbing Luke's curls, Calum harshly pulled on the hair and grabbed the other to lead him roughly into his bedroom.

Letting him go and pushing him towards the middle of the room, Calum glared at the blonde, "Take your clothes off."

"I'm not in the mood to suck your dick, Hood." Luke rolled his eyes and didn't listen to his boss.

The two had a little ritual now where they'd casually relieve each other in times of stress. Luke started it with his offer he made the one time Calum was pissed off at Ashton, and it was now a nonchalant, continuous thing among the two dangerous men.

"Oh you're not going to simply suck me off. I'm going to fuck you and I'm going to do it hard."

Luke's eyes snapped on the other in shock. They never crossed this line, and Calum also seemed very serious about punishing Luke.

But Luke wasn't going to fall into this trap so easily. Crossing his arms, he worded his thoughts, "I don't bottom, Hood. If you want your ass played with I can do that, but it's a no for the other way around."

"That's funny." Calum chuckled darkly and took a threatening step closer to Luke with determination sparkling in his brown eyes, "You still can't seem to accept that I'm the one in charge here. Don't worry, you'll understand that by the end of the night when I'm through with you."

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