15 - Loving and Passionate

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15 - Loving and Passionate

"We need to talk." Michael said as his hello as soon as he hopped into Ashton's car, earning a nod from the oldest.

"I assumed."

After the party last week, Ashton took Michael home and that was the simple last of it. Michael was emotional and he didn't feel like talking or having company, resulting in him locking himself away in his apartment whenever he wasn't at work.

But he can't avoid Ashton forever and he wants answers.

"Luke kept telling me that you're dangerous. Why?" Michael hesitantly asked as he watched Ashton change gears, since he was driving manually.

Ashton's jaw clenched from hearing about Luke and his stupid words before he tried to hide it under his skin, "I'm really not sure. I'm powerful and rich, and people can see that as a dangerous threat."

Michael nodded, "Yeah, I guess you're right. He's just an idiot who doesn't want me to be happy."

Ashton peered at him for just a second to see his frown, since he was still driving and needed to keep his eyes on the road.

"Ignore him, darling. He's just jealous that you found someone better than him." Ashton smirked, "Plus like you said, I make you happy."

Michael blushed from the other's words, not even catching onto what he meant when he had said those words himself.

"I'm sorry for ruining your night at the party." Michael apologized guiltily. All the drama that had happened was because of him being there.

"You absolutely did not ruin my night. But if you're so stressed about it, let's make up for it tonight."

"What do you have planned?"

"Why don't I take you to my place and I'll cook you up a nice, home-made meal? We can drink wine and talk about life."

Michael laughed at the bright grin that appeared on Ashton's face as he explained his idea, and of course had to agree.

"Sounds good."

"It'll feel good too." Ashton sent a sly wink.

"Don't get any ideas." Michael blushed and made himself look out of the window, so Ashton wouldn't have the chance to see his red tint.

"Why are you so afraid? A little dick won't do you any harm."

Michael felt his blush get even brighter from Ashton's words and he stumbled out his response, "I-I don't know."

It was a simple shy response, but Ashton thought that there was more to it than that. He wanted to understand why Michael was so hesitant with him and with having contact, and he wanted to help.

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