24 - Taking the Throne

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24 - Taking the Throne

Glasses of pure vodka were placed in front of the daring Luke, Calum, and Ashton as they were sat in that order at a round table. The drink of choice was defiantly unusual, but it was because they were in Sykes' territory now.

It was time for the newly combined partnership to override Sykes, but they all had to talk this out before it was all set into complete and violent motion.

"It's a shame that you two have decided to work together." Sykes mentioned from the other side of the table, sipping on the expensive vodka like it was nothing, "I hope you understand what this means."

"Oh we are perfectly clear on what it means, Sykes." Ashton laughed darkly towards the man. Ashton couldn't stand him the most and it was obvious.

"You can either stand down now or you can suffer the long way." Calum stated professionally with no hostility present unlike Ashton. He was better at remaining impersonal in order to keep things as business like as it should be.

"You think that I'm going to stand down because of your little partnership? I'm not scared of you."

"You should be." Calum stated with a violent glint to his eyes, "We're taking the throne and we have no plan to give you access to it."

Ashton internally gushed at how Calum mentioned his idea of the throne, knowing that he remembered and used it because of him.

"Are you really willing to start this war? Because I will finish it." Sykes threatened, putting his vodka down and interlocking his hands in front of him on the table with darkened eyes.

"That's where you're wrong, Sykes." Ashton could only laugh once again, "You're not going to make it out alive if you think that you can play with the big boys."

With how much hostility Ashton had for Sykes you would think that something must have happened between them. But that wasn't the case.

Ashton didn't like bad neighbors, and Sykes was full of corruption and cheating. Ashton didn't like his methods of running his drug operation, and it could get all of them in trouble. He was simply taking out the trash before it decayed.

"Oh Ashton..." Sykes breathily started, making them all angered at how he called him by his real, first name, "You've always had it out for me."

Ignoring his statement, an usually quiet Luke when it came down to these meetings—since it wasn't him who was in charge—let out a protective warning, "You don't get to call him that."

Sykes eyes fell onto Luke from Ashton, making him narrow his eyes at the angered reaction.

"And why not?"

"Because you don't get the privilege to call him that you prick. I'll beat you to a pulp." He warned with a dark glare, making Ashton only gush more at being stuck up for from him.

Sykes chuckled as he leaned back in his chair, "Is this how this little partnership was created? Hemmings and Irwin get to have some fun together if Hood and Irwin push aside their differences."

"It's none of your business other than we're pushing your ass out of the city." Ashton growled.

"Are you really ready to face our wrath?" Calum asked, staring down the man that none of them liked, "Are you willing to lose more than just your business?"

Sykes laughed and gave them all a cheeky smile, "I think it's official. The war is on."

Standing up from his seat, Calum's movement resulted in Luke and Ashton doing the same thing as they followed his lead.

"Just remembered that we tried to give you a chance, Sykes. You're going to end up hurt." Calum said as his goodbye, exiting out of the British man's office and then out of his building with the silently following Luke and Ashton.

"Do I get to kill him now?" Ashton pouted towards Calum as soon as they were all sat in Calum's car. Luke laughed from the back, watching as Calum looked at Ashton ridiculously.

"You've been waiting for this day. Haven't you?" Calum grinned entertained.

"Of course I have. I want him dead and I want to be the one who takes his life." He replied back completely serious, showing Luke and Calum that Ashton was being ultimately honest about his wants for Sykes.

"Okay, we need to discuss this whole situation and the war. It won't just end with Sykes' death. He has idiots as senseless followers who will come after us if we kill him." Calum said rationally, pulling onto the busy streets to start making their way more into the city that never sleeps.

"Ughhh." Ashton dramatically groaned, "I fucking hate him and his stupid ass wanna be gangster group."

"Oh I didn't notice." Luke scoffed playfully from the back, making Ashton turn around in his seat to send the blonde a large and sarcastic smile.

"Since I need to get you in a better mood in order to rationally discuss this..." Calum started, which made Ashton turn back around to look at the brunette questionably, "When are we talking to Michael about our little proposition?"

"As soon as possible." Ashton grinned at Calum due to the topic—or person—at hand.

"Tomorrow night?" Calum asked.

"I need to ask him if he works." Ashton paused, pulling out his phone to send Michael a text of this said question.

"I'm nervous." Luke said from the back, being honest about his emotions towards the two that were sat in the front, "I mean he already rejected me when we were alone."

"But he also said that he would give you a chance." Calum said rationally, bringing up that aspect. Luke had already explained what happened between him and Michael when they talked about them, so Ashton and Calum were in the loop about where Michael's head was at regarding Luke.

Michael was apprehensive, but he believed in the good and in the change of people. As long as Luke proved and showed Michael that he has changed then there was always a possibility. There was always hope.

"He has tomorrow night off." Ashton grinned.

"Do you want to pick him up first and then come get us?" Calum asked.

"Of course. I'd be absolutely delighted to drive my three hoes around the city." Ashton laughed out loudly when Calum gave him a short, ridiculed look before paying attention to the road once again.

"Wow." Luke murmured from the back, but with a breathy laugh, "I'm glad that I now really know how you feel about us."

"Joking, joking." Ashton laughed again, "...Okay, not really. The three of you are my one and only, lovely hoes."


Who's excited for the three to talk to Michael about what they want? Is it going to work out for all of them? 👀


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