17 - A Real Man

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17 - A Real Man

Candles, red roses, and soft music playing throughout a romantic dinner was the night adventure for Ashton and Michael only a few days after the certain meeting Ashton had with Calum and Luke.

And during the whole night as they sat and ate on Ashton's balcony, Ashton couldn't keep his eyes off of Michael, and Michael couldn't keep his eyes off of Ashton.

Ashton thought that Michael was so utterly pretty, and he constantly found himself becoming into someone else—someone that wasn't a hardcore, killing drug lord—whenever he was around Michael.

Being around an innocent isn't too smart. There's too many secrets Michael doesn't know about, but Ashton still couldn't seem to stray away. Michael was unbelievably and utterly something else that Ashton has never experienced before, and he only wanted to keep spending more and more time with him.

Ashton was different for Michael too. Ever since Luke happened and ended, he's never felt comfortable enough to let someone in. Let alone at a level he has let Ashton in. He feels comfortable and safe in front of him, knowing that Ashton feels something for him and that Ashton is nonjudgmental loving.

He constantly feels flustered around him, both wanting and being absolutely nervous for Ashton at the same time. But after this affirmation of yet another cute, almost majestic night of dinner with Ashton, Michael was sure of what it was that he wanted.


"Relax." Ashton said for about the tenth time that night as he pecked Michael's lips and pulled both of their shirts off.

Attaching their lips back together, Ashton sensually sucked on Michael's bottom lip as he backed the other towards the bed with black satin sheets placed in Ashton's bedroom.

Pulling his lips away from Michael's, he pushed the smaller one backwards to land on the bed. He quickly mounted himself over Michael, leaving sloppy kisses on his collarbone and chest.

Running his large hands over Michael's still skinny jean covered thighs, Ashton caressed the other's skin like it was made out of gold.

Wanting to move things little more, Ashton attached his mouth onto Michael's right nipple to lap and bite at the sensitive nub.

"A-Ashton!" Michael grabbed onto the other's hair at the sudden arousing pain.

This only motivated Ashton further, resulting in his right hand moving from Michael's thigh to his covered semi.

Michael let out a small whimper at the pressure he received from Ashton's hand being pressed against his most sensitive area.

Ashton pulled away from Michael's chest in order to hover his face over the other's, peering down at the darker than usual green eyes.

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