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There are 'WHAT IF'S' in our life that we want to fulfill to feel that we're worthy to keep on and to be special ofcourse.

Keeping and thinking WHAT IF'S makes people realized what they will gonna do. It makes people think and dig deeper to find the answer that they are looking for.

WHAT IF'S makes me vulnerable because once at night I overthinked knowing what and where would I find my special place. Where would I find happiness and fulfillment to the jar of emptiness.

The battles that yourself go on without any help from the others because WHAT IF I HAVE SELF-CONFIDENCE REIGNING ON ME?

The regrets that haunts you when you did something wrong and here is WHAT IF I DIDN'T DO THAT THING?

The words that you said to your parents or even to your friends thinking WHAT IF I DID NOT SAID THOSE WORDS?

Your overthinking and realizing at night and a circle of thoughts coming over that WHAT IF I CHANGE?

Your insecurity and jealousness to someone and ended up saying WHAT IF I'M PRETTY/HANDSOME?

A thought that you want to disappear to test their love and care for you and saying WHAT IF I'M GONE? THEY WILL FIND ME KAYA?

There are more WHAT IF'S in life. Those are just examples and the MOST WHAT IF'S that I can think of. I can barely remember myself when I'm writing about this because I'm a victim of WHAT IF'S and it made me sad and downed even more.

Looking at its finest and concept I can make decisions fast because the reasons are clear and acceptable.

Overthinking ft.crying while realizing your WHAT IF'S in life makes you stronger (on the positive side) and makes you sad and degrade once and for most (on the negative side)

I'm not contented on what I have in life so there are many WHAT IF'S coming over. I want to experience all the things that I should perceived. But it takes time to fully overcome hard things. All things will happen in a perfect time and in a perfect place.

Just be grateful and be contended on what you have, Darling.

A/N: Thank you for reading and I hope you love it! Don't forget to click the VOTE BUTTON below and if you have requests and suchs just COMMENT it below. Loveyou. Muah!

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