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Hey, do you felt that no one loves you? I mean not in a negative way but on some point it is. Do you faced that people is just loving you whenever you did something good on them? When it's your birthday? But when you have done bad things they turn their backs to you. How about in the field of love? When you are inlove, ofcourse you feel pain but do you think feeling constant pain is normal? You give it all to the person that you love then you also forgot to love yourself. You forgot that SELF-LOVE is very important. I'm not a geek or expert tho, but I want you to open your eyes that you really need to know the CONCEPT OF SELF-LOVE. This is not being "Selfish" because I believe that true love starts from yourself first. You must love and learn to love yourself first before you give love to the people around you. Well, when you give love to your partner or to a friend just give the 40% while the 60% remains on you. So that, if you got hurt, the pain is not that painful. Yes, you will feel pain but not that effective nor longer.

Hey, a beautiful creation please learn to love yourself first because at the end of the day, your last stand, last bullet, last card would only be yourself. Lovelots! ☺💗

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