BLOG #22

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I'm not okay but it's okay.

Its been two weeks that you're experiencing stress ang loneliness. Not only a week but everyday. You can't escape from its arms. Problems are embracing you and always telling you "Don't leave me please". It's weird but problems considered you a true friend.

You are looking for solution on how to get rid of this 'thing'. No recommendations popped on your mind because its still preoccupied you.

"Stella?" A knock on a wooden door rang the scene. Someone's knocking obiously.

"Com'mon Stella, It's breakfast time. You must eat. You didn't eat 2 days ago." As those words said you are recognizing who's that person. It's your sister Venus...

"Stella? Did you heard what I've said? I'm telling you to mom. You numb girl!" Then you heard her walked away.

Yes, It/s true that I haven't eat any food for two days just because I'm seriously dealing some problems yet my relatives don't have any idea on what's going on with me. I'm not that talkative when it comes to my problems. I'd rather to keep it to myself than sharing it to anyone. Because if I tell this to everyone or someone it will get worst.

"Stella! Stella!" Your thoughts cut off when you heard your mother's voice. It's serious. It's scary and it's dangerous.

"Come out now! You don't want to see me getting mad again Stella. You knew me." Your still sitting ln your bed while your mother is still shouting at you.

"Venus... Get the keys. This girl is getting my nerves." Your mother commanded your sister to get the keys in your room.

"I'm okay mom!" I shouted.

"Come out young lady. You haven't eat anything. What's happening to you!" Your mother replied.

"Nothing Mom, I'm okay..." I replied back.

Now, it's time to excecute the plan that I wanted to do.

" you go." That must be your sister holding the keys of your room.

Before the plan you took a piece of paper and wrote:

"I'm (not) okay! 🙂"

Then you stabbed yourself with a pocket knife. Blood start to flow over your body.



You felt a touch, it's your mother crying...

'STELLA!!! WAKE UP!!!" Your mother is crying loudly and for the last time you saw your sister holding the note that you wrote. Then everything turned into a pitch black.

A/N: Thank you for reading and I hope you love it! Don't forget to click the VOTE BUTTON below and if you have requests and suchs just COMMENT it below. Loveyou. Muah!

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