BLOG #15

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I'm so happy, extremely happy. Because today is our field trip. And I'm excited about this.

Our field trip will be on a History musuem where heroes and some history facts can be seen through texts and paintings.

To tell you, I'm a big fan of history. I love history so much not to mention that I have a dozen history books at our home.

Anyways, in less than of an hour we arrived at the musuem.

My classmates seems like they don't have any interest going in here. They would rather to stay at home than to visit a museum. But lucky for me, I'm here and happy for this day.

"Okay class, you may now go...Come back here in less than 30 minutes" Our history professor said with conviction.

As a history geek, I immediately walked away and start roaming my eyes inside the museum.

There are many paintings that is pasted on the walls. Some of them are Ferdinand Marcos,Andres Bonifacio and so on and so fourth but one painting caught my interest. It's Jose Rizal our National Hero.

I walked towards the painting and there is a quote saying:
"Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan!"

My lips formed a sad smile...I can't imagine how Jose Rizal said this because I think this is not true.

Many filipinos are engaged with some bad doings and criminal perspectives.

Many filipinos didn't love the air of the phillipines. They prefer to love the air of the other countries than to their country.

Many filipinos evolved into a new modern world. The culture that Jose Rizal made and the other heroes are now fading like a dust.

I can't believe that Jose Rizal fought for the Phillipines but the Phillipines didn't fought for his heroism.

"Nagbago na ang bansang pilipinas...Hindi nila makita ang mga sakrispisyo ng mga bayani. Siguro nga...siguro nga maling pinaglaban ko ito..." As I turned my head, my eyes widened as I saw Jose Rizal is standing beside of me looking at his frame.

Sorry, Dr. Jose Rizal for letting you down

A/N: Thank you for reading and I hope you love it! Don't forget to click the VOTE BUTTON below and if you have requests and suchs just COMMENT it below. Loveyou. Muah!

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