The Perfect Fit (Destiel)

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A/N: Gender swap

She made her way down the stairs that were creaking in protest against her pregnant weight. She clutched desperately to the banister, relying on its support completely. Her feet were swollen, her hair permanently messed. "Dean?" she called out, looking for her... boyfriend? Lover? Father of her unborn child? They never had made anything official. "Dean?" she called again, louder this time, when she reached the bottom of the staircase. She slowly made her way into the living room, and jumped in surprise when she was nearly knocked over by a man almost completely covered in motor oil.

"Is it time? Right! Don't panic!" he announced and picked her up, bridal style, carrying her to the door.

"What? Dean! Put me down, I'm fine," she yelled and he sighed, placing her carefully on her lounge.

"Don't scare me like that, Cas," the ex-hunter sighed again sitting next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as she rested her head on his chest.

"I only wanted to know where you were," she pouted and he closed his eyes.

"How long do we have to wait?"

"Still about three months left, I think," she offered and he smiled dreamily. He imagined what it would be like when their child was born, taking them to school, teaching them to defend themselves...

"Marry me," he breathed, not paying attention, and she snapped her eyes open, unaware she had them closed.

"What?" she asked, disbelieving.

"What? No! Shit. I wasn't going to do it like that! I h-had a speech and everything," he stuttered, scrambling to sit up. "I h-had a r-ring and... The ring!" he made to stand but she grabbed his hand, pulling him down to kiss him.

"You never fucking shut up," she whispered when they broke away and he hummed in appreciation.

"Wait! The ring," he startled her and ran into their room for his jacket. He shoved his hands into the pockets and fished out a box. Rushing back out to Cas, he skidded down on one knee and winced slightly.

"Cas... we've known each other for a very long time... and I know that you may not have wanted this," he gestured between them, "but you're stuck with me now and... shit that's not coming out right... What I'm trying to say is, I love you Castiel... I always have. Way back when you were a man, too. And... you're honestly too good for me, and I don't deserve you... but will you marry me?" he rushed out his semi- rehearsed speech and looked up at the love of his life experimentally. Castiel was smiling, tears tracking on her cheeks and Dean's eyes widened. "No! Cas don't cry, please don't cry, I take it back, please don't cry," he begged and Cas shook her head.

"Don't take it back, I love you," she whispered and Dean's face lit with hope, "Of course I'll marry you"

Dean laughed in relief and swept her into a fierce, but careful, hug. When they broke apart, he slipped the ring on his finger. The perfect fit.

A/N: idk okay
No judgement
Ily all

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