Alone Again (Destiel)

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It's rough, all alone, always running. Never stopping, never safe. Always alone. Fighting his way through life. Struggling through thoughts and everything that goes bump in the night. Everything. He licked his lips and they burned. Alone. His penance, for his crimes against both humans and angels, against Dean.

He destroyed everything. He hurt Sam, he conspired with the king of hell, murdered and maimed and slaughtered and- and this is his punishment. His coat was almost ruined, though he had tried to keep it nice. He was covered in pure filth, pure unadulterated filth. Blood, and mud, and entrails of his kills. He deserved everything that was thrown at him.

He finally killed the vampire, and wiped a streak of blood off his cheek. he stole it's jacket, for warmth, and continued on his way. the ground made no noise under his practised heels, leaves dropping around him, so pure. His surroundings seemed faded in colour, unexplainable.

God and his mercy, he thought, gratefully. He looked around, looking for creatures cautiously, and kneeled quietly when he was sure he was alone. "Are you there?" he started, looking hesitantly toward the darkening sky. Blackened clouds and hatred stared back at him. "Father?" Castiel frowned, and ridiculed himself for his idiocy. His father wasn't listening anymore. So alone. "Why am I alive?" he continued, regardless, voice rising in rage, "Why do you resurrect me?" He hit his fist onto the damp ground. "Just kill me!" he begged, "Please". He closed his eyes as a bright, blue, blinding light shoved him. He overbalanced, and hit the back of his head, hard.

The light cleared, and Castiel blinked blearily. "Hello, Castiel," a sweetening voice said, "I heard your prayer". Cas tensed, and the bounds around his wrists tugged him down. The table was hard against his back, and he was clean.
"Who are you? What is this place?" he asked, nervous and confused.
"You're in Heaven, Castiel. Remember?" Her eyes were large and empty. The grey suit she wore was starched and uncomfortable.
"I've never seen this part of Heaven," he narrowed his eyes, untrusting. "What is this?"
"Enough questions, Castiel, I think it's my turn," she smiled cynically, and reached for a tray. He flinched as she brought out a small, silver drill. "Welcome back," she said as she leaned toward his left eye.


Dean sat alone, apart from his sloshing glass, and rapped his fingers on the table. Scenes flashed before his eyes, the bright blue glow, the betrayed shouts of his friend, the shock on his face. "Dean!" his memory shouted at him. He shook himself out of it, and poured himself another drink.

God and his mercy, he thought, bitterly. If He gave any sort of shit, He would have helped them. After everything they'd done, after everyone they've helped, and saved. After everything, you'd thing He'd help Cas- at least. His own son, but no.

There he sat, Sam asleep, all alone. Always alone. It was his fault, of course, and perhaps this was his punishment. Purgatory was okay, because he had Cas. And Benny, of course. But he had Cas, so he was okay, but now he didn't. So he wasn't.

"You okay, man?" he jumped, as his brother walked into the room. His hair was a mess, his eyes were glazed.
"Yeah, go back to bed," he dismissed.
"Dude, it's 10am, and you're drinking whiskey," he pointed out, and walked toward the coffee pot. "You're going to get sick"


A/N: Wow omg look two updates holy cow

Do you love me yet

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