Father's Day (Doctor Who)

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Rose couldn't help the tears. "Come on. Do as your dad says," her father told her. She turned, and picked up the vase. That stupid vase. She hated it. She handed it to him, even though every cell in her body was screaming. "You gonna be there for me, love?" She nodded, and closed her eyes when he cupped her cheek. "Thanks for saving me". He gave her one last smile, and walked towards the door.

She didn't hear anything at first - just the sound of her own heartbeat. Her lungs struggled as she held her breath. Her mother took her hand, stroking her knuckles. She was about to lose her husband, but she was still a mother. A horn sounded from outside, and Rose's breath escaped with a sob. It was devastated. 

She ran outside, just in time to see the vase shatter. She was frozen at the doorway. No. Not again. This was her last chance. She promised him. She couldn't move her feet. "Go to him. Quick," the Doctor startled her out of her trance and she ran to her father.

The driver was pulled up, his hands shaking. Rose ignored him. It wasn't his fault. She scraped her knee through her jeans when she skidded to the ground, but it didn't even register. She grabbed Pete's hand tightly. His body was almost mangled. He looked into her eyes, like she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen, because she was. She tried to smile at him. He closed his eyes, with a final breath. She kissed him gently on the forehead. 

She stood up, and turned towards the Doctor. People were already gathering outside, trying to see what had happened. They were all back. She walked towards the Doctor, and he took her hand. They walked back to the TARDIS, together. 

A/N: Yeah idk


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