Aftermath (Destiel)

374 11 4

A/N: Reference to Smut

They be talking about the jiggy jiggy so be warned

I'm mature I swear

Dean panted breathlessly, eyes wide, body useless. He was still throbbing, mimicking the rhythm of Cas' erratic thrusting. Said ex-angel returned to his bedroom, a damp cloth in one hand and a glass of water in the other.

He cleaned the cooling come of Dean's chest, and the dribble of his own - leaking from his still sensitive arse. Dean blushed slightly at the motion, then silently reprimanded himself. They'd just had sex, no time to be shy now.

They'd just had sex. He'd just had sex with Cas. And angel of the lord. Ex-angel. But now he'd been corrupted by Dean. Tainted by his hellbound and filthy soul. He had dirtied his being, Castiel's innocence now lost in the selfishness of one Dean Winchester.

Cas rolled his eyes, a trait he had picked up from Sam himself, and threw the now sticky cloth to the side. "Just because I'm not an angel anymore, doesn't mean I can't tell when you're over thinking," he scolded. Castiel lifted Dean's head slightly, and teased the glass at his lips. He took a sip.

"When did you get so lippy?" Dean asked, when he'd caught his breath.
"What, you mean these?" Cas asked, and kissed him. Dean smiled.

"I love you," he managed, and Cas smirked.
"I know," he kissed him again.
"Hey," Dean broke away, "You don't get to keep 'Han Solo'ing me".

"I still don't get that reference," Castiel yawned, and laid down next to him.
"You need to watch Star Wars with me," Dean smiled, and Cas shrugged non-commitedly. They settled down together.

Dean wrapped both arms around his angel's middle, and slept peacefully.

A/N: Look how sweet and domestic they are aw

I'm living in a fantasy world okay so love me

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