Some Angel In You Part 2 (Destiel)

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A/N: Holy shit there's smut wow

Dean stood up, Cas' eyes watching him steadily. "Do you know what it means, Cas?"

To Castiel's credit, he thought about it. He really tried to understand what the joke meant.
"No," he eventually admitted, and waited patiently for Dean to explain.
"Do you want to know?" Dean asked, voice lowering a semitone, and unconsciously stepping closer to him. Cas craned his neck slightly to look him in the eyes as Dean got closer.
"Yes," Castiel accepted, and Dean smirked.
"Sam?" he called out, "We're going out. Don't wait up," he smiled gently, and took the angel's idle hand, dragging him away.


When Dean pulled up, it was at a motel. The luminescent sign, which probably hadn't seen a 'No' in years, flashed 'Vacancy' in bright green. Cas frowned confusedly.
"Dean? Why are we here? I thought you were going to explain the joke to me," he huffed, and Dean raised an eyebrow.
"Can't you read my mind?" he suggested and Castiel glared.
"You have expressed on many counts that you don't like it when I do that, so I respect that".
"Read my mind now," he allowed, somehow still uncomfortable expressing his... feelings. Castiel almost rolled his eyes, still not understanding human nature, but he obliged.

In Dean's mind, he saw worry and fear every time Castiel was lost. He saw hurt at his betrayal and pain at his assumed death. Cas retreated from him. "I've hurt you, I know that," he said, consumed with guilt.
"Keep looking," Dean prompted. Cas then saw joy. Joy at his own return, joy at his restored loyalty and joy following every memory that Castiel was in. He saw devotion. He saw understanding, and forgiveness. Castiel saw love.

"Dean?" he didn't believe it. He couldn't believe it. After everything he had done to him, to Sam, Cas didn't believe that Dean Winchester could love him.
"Yes, Cas?"
"Do you really-?"
"Yes," he cut him off. He didn't know if he could hear it said out loud yet.

Dean finally looked up at him, sitting in the passenger seat of his beloved car. His coat was gone, left at the bunker in hast, and his dress shirt was rumpled. His tie was never on the right way, and tonight wasn't an exception. His eyes only seemed to glow in the moonlight, the blue somehow shining with emotion.

Castiel narrowed his eyes, trying to decipher Dean's raging facial expression. He wanted nothing more than for Dean to be telling the truth. Though, he could somehow always tell when he was lying, he reasoned that his emotions were clouding his judgement. He searched his mind again, and found no evidence of dishonesty.

Dean read Castiel's concentrated face as reciprocation, and kissed him. Castiel gave a muffled shout and Dean pulled away immediately, mortified. Before he could apologise, Castiel took a breath. "Do that again," he ordered, and Dean's smug smile returned once more. He kissed him, leaning over their seats to bury his fingers in his obsidian hair.

He didn't believe it, he couldn't believe that this was even happening. He knew how he felt about Cas, but he had never imagined that it was requited. Dean broke away and unknowingly smiled at Castiel's resulting whine. He dodged a kiss. "Cas, we're at this motel for a reason," he hinted, and the angel frowned in confusion. Dean rolled his eyes, "In a simple word, Cas," he said, and kissed him again. His tongue pushed into his mouth, and he almost bit him in surprise when Cas snapped his finers.

They had relocated to, what he had to assume was, the shitty motel, and Dean almost laughed at how they landed. Cas was laying flat on the bed, tie missing, and belt undone. Dean was straddling his hips, hands pressed into his chest for balance, naked. "You, uh," he cleared his throat to hide the hitch in his breath when he saw the determined look in Cas' eye. "You don't mess around, do you?"

Cas didn't answer, occupied with roaming his eyes along the smooth planes of Dean's sun-kissed skin. "Do it again," he commanded, and the hunter shivered.
"Do what?"
"The thing you did when you kissed me before," he struggled to explain. Dean furrowed his eyebrows, "Cas, have you ever, you know, done this before?"
"Intercourse? No," he shrugged, "Not yet".

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