My Heart Will Go On (Johnlock)

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The haunting music swirled around their apartment, and the moment was tense. "Shush," the young boy hushed, from their television. She stopped talking abruptly, a look of shock on her face. John curled further into Sherlock's side.

"Gimme your hand. Now close your eyes, go on," he urged, and she did so- completely trusting him. "Step up, hold on to the railing. Keep your eyes closed, don't peek".
"I'm not," she promised and he smiled. Wind whipped around them.
"Step up onto the rail. Hold on, hold on. Keep your eyes closed," he reminded her and she giggled.
"Do you trust me?"
"I trust you". He lifted her arms off the railing, and out to her sides, keeping her supported with his own body.
"Alright- open your eyes," he whispered, and she did- slowly. She gasped as the music continued.
"I'm flying! Jack!" The camera panned around them and Sherlock scoffed.

"I don't get it," he voiced, breaking the silence and snapping John out of his trance.
"What's not to get?"
"She's obviously not flying. Her feet are still on the ground".
"Yes, but she's flying, though".
"This movie is ludicrous, John," he scoffed again.
"She doesn't need to be flying, Sherlock because they love each other. It's a metaphor". He turned off the movie, angrily, and left his side, walking to the kitchen.

Sherlock frowned and followed him, stopping in the doorway. He watched John move around the kitchen, filling the kettle and getting a mug out for himself.

He tapped on the counter while he waited for the water to boil. Sherlock frowned thoughtfully.
"Are you flying, John?"

Several moments passed between them and Sherlock grew nervous. He shouldn't have said anything, it had been a stupid idea. Finally, John smiled, and turned to him.

"I am flying, Sherlock".

A/N: Awe look at that nobody died it wasn't pathetically sad wooo

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