Smile (Sherlock)

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John looked around the apartment cautiously, and when he was sure that it was empty, he dumped his bag on the ground and walked over to his iPod.

Sherlock climbed the stairs of their apartment and opened the door quietly. What he saw almost definitely traumatised him for life. There John was dancing around carelessly, miming the words to Avril Lavigne's Smile. He jumped on the lounge spontaneously, and danced around before spotting Sherlock and letting out a very high pitched scream, and glared at him, who still stood in utter shock.


"You realise that I'll have to kill you now?"

"What.... What are you doing?"

"I... I don't know, Sherlock... I just..."

"Okay. I'm going to walk out now, and I'm going to come back in and we're going to pretend none of this just happened"


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