What Could Have Never Been (Harry Potter AU)

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A strong hand shook him awake, when it was still dark out. Crickets were still chirping into the pitch black sky. Harry jumped, ready to scream, but a hand covered his mouth quickly. "Shush!" his father hushed him, and Harry frowned at him when the light turned on.

He looked over at his clock with its flying projected planets and rotating layers. "Guess what?"
"What are you doing? It's not even four yet!"
"It's your birthday, son!" he grinned, pushing his glasses back up his nose, and answering his own question.
"I know that, dad, can't this wait till tomorrow?"
"It is tomorrow... today," he corrected himself. James pulled his dressing gown tighter around himself. The chill eating his bones. A young girl's cry sounded from the next room and a sweet shushing voice halted it.
"James Potter! You'd better not have woken Harry up again," a stern voice. She made her way to the doorway, her pregnant stomach coming into sight before she did, Harry's sister clutching at her leg.
"Not at all, sweetheart," he lied, kissed her cheek fondly. The little girl ran to him, and he scooped her into his arms, swinging her around. "Another nightmare, baby?"
She nodded, strawberry hair falling into her face. He brushed it away. Lily glared at him, still groggy from being woken up, and he placed a warm hand over her stomach. "Not long now, is it?" he grinned again, referring to their third child.
"Come on, James. Leave him to sleep," Lily scolded, and guided him from Harry's room. She smiled at him.

"Happy Birthday, my beautiful baby boy," she smiled on her way out. The door closed silently behind her.

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