Proud of Us (Supernatural)

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After weeks and weeks of not acknowledging what had happened to his brother to Lisa or Ben, one night. One terrible and amazing night, Dean Winchester cried. He cried endlessly, and almost drank his life away. Lisa held him, telling him it'd be okay, and that nothing was going to hurt him. He scrubbed at his face, insisting that he was fine, and didn't need her to comfort him. She kept soothing him, not giving up and he finally caved in. Tears ran down his face as sobs racked through his body. After a while, he calmed down. He just lay on the floor, his head resting in her lap as she ran her hands through his hair, letting out silent tears.

"Did I ever tell you about my brother?" he began and she shook her hand, not speaking in case she spoiled the moment. "I raised him, you know. He was always an annoying little shit, but I loved him so much. I'd never let anything happen to him, ever. It was my job. To take care of him. My mission in life. I failed. I wanted him to have a normal life" he paused "He ran off, the first chance he got. I was so angry that he left us.  He did anything to get away from me and Dad. Went to school. He was always the smart one. Bit of a nerd, really. He went to Stanford" he took a deep breath and Lisa nodded, smiling gently. "He was gonna be a lawyer" he smiled sadly. "He was gonna be a big shot lawyer and he was gonna marry Jess" he laughed and Lisa didn't ask who Jess was. "He was gonna marry Jess and have lots of kids. He would have lived a normal, boring life. He was going to be a father and he was going to be amazing at it" he whispered and a few stray tears dripped out of the corners of his eyes, unnoticed. They stayed in silence for what seemed like an eternity. He lay in her lap as she held his head, stroking his face. His eyes were distant and almost empty as he remembered. She saw his eyes droop a little, fatigue haunting him. "I am so proud of him" he whispered before drifting off to sleep.

I'm not actually sorry....

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