Fem!Cas (Technically Wincestiel)

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The ex-angel Castiel woke up in bed, and noticed that something felt... different. He felt smaller. He shrugged to himself and got up, brushing it off as a side effect of being human and got ready for another day of ignoring his feelings towards Dean. He passed a mirror.

Dean was wandering through the halls of the bunker, rubbing his eyes and yawning. He hadn't gone to sleep last night, too busy researching with Kevin. He stretched as he passed Cas' closed door. He was about to go to his room when he heard a loud crash from Cas' room. He didn't even think, he sprinted back down the hall and barged into his friend's room without knocking. He stared in shock at the woman standing in front of a broken mirror, her face pale. He immediately drew his gun and aimed it at the woman, who was a bit shorter than him. She had shoulder-length curly black hair that framed her face; her deep blue eyes stared at him, scared.

"Who the hell are you?" Dean asked, and frowned. The woman opened her mouth to answer, but did not... or could not as she kept trying. She stared up at him, her eyes pleading.

"You got ten seconds! Tell me!" he yelled and the woman frantically waved her hands no. He looked down at her.

"Can you speak?" he asked and the woman shook her head.

"What... are you wearing?!" he asked, confused. Her sweat pants were too lose and she had to hold them up, the ACDC t-shirt that looked a lot like it belonged to Dean went half way down her thighs. An old trench coat looked out of place wrapped around her body, covering her hands, and also too big. He came to a realisation and cocked his gun.

"What have you done with Cas?" he asked, and the woman's eyes widened in panic she frantically shook her head and pointed to herself.

"Sammy! Get in here!" he yelled out and his brother shortly appeared.

"Yeah wh-", he cut off and looked at them both, "Who's this?"

"I don't know, she can't speak"

"Is she here to kill us?"

"I don't know"

"Right. So we go through the motions", he said, taking out a flask of holy water and flicking it onto her face. She jumped in surprise, and wiped her face, but didn't burn. Dean took out a silver knife and carefully approached her, holding out his hand. She offered it, calmly and he pressed it into her palm, breaking the skin. The woman flinched, but it didn't affect her. Dean put his gun away, and held out a hand to shake. She frowned a little but shook it using her good hand.

"What's your name?" Dean asked and the woman raised an eyebrow at him.

"Of course... sorry. Well what do I call you?" he asked and she shrugged. They were still holding hands and Sam cleared his throat and the two jumped then separated.

"Uhhh... you'd better come with us, then", Sam said and they followed him out of the door.

She walked out and headed downstairs, taking out a pen and paper from a draw like she owned the place. She took a moment to write on the paper, then handed it to Dean with a triumphant smile on her face.

"What the hell is this?" Dean asked.

She rolled her eyes and pointed at the paper.

"Is that Enochian?" Sam asked, looking over his brother's shoulder.

She frowned in confusion and looked at the paper. It was Enochian. She rolled her eyes, and could have sworn she had written in English. She threw her hands up in frustration and flopped down on the couch.

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