My Sunshine (Destiel)

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Dean stood suddenly, offering his hand out to Cas with a determined look on his face. The no-so-angel frowned confusedly, a look that being human had not diminished, and stared at it.

"What are you doing?" he asked, tapping his fingers onto his knee. Dean remained silent, but wiggled his fingers impatiently, a small smile playing at his lips. Cas took the offered hand, and was immediately hauled from his chair. Dean pulled him against him, and placed his free hand on his waist, making Cas tense up.

"Relax," Dean whispered in his ear, and Cas did, because it was Dean.
"What's happening?"
"We're almost definitely going to die, tomorrow, Cas," Dean replied, as if it was obvious, and took a small shuffle to his right.
"So, you're going to dance with me?"
"That's exactly what I'm going to do," he smiled, and guided Cas' hand to his back.

A small sigh ghosted over Dean's shoulder and Cas willed his muscles to unwind as realisation struck him. Dean was humming. It was quiet, and almost unnoticeable, but it was there. It was supposed to be a happy song, but it was slowed, and heartbreakingly tragic. He laid his head on Dean's chest.
"You are my sunshine... my only sunshine," he whispered, so only Cas could hear, as they shuffled to the left.
"You make me happy... when skies are grey," he sung, under his breath. Cas wanted to smile.
"You'll never know, dear," he huffed, and Cas' hand clenched in Dean's, " much I love you..."
"So please don't take my sunshine away," he pleaded, with no one in particular, his fist bunched in Castiel's coat. His voice cracked.

"Please don't take my sunshine away"

A/N: Yo friends whats up 

I promise I'm cool

sam_computer_water aren't I

Oneshots Part OneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ