My Treasure (Sherlock)

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He was still wearing the bloody thing. It was December now, but William was determined to stay in his Halloween costume. Mrs Holmes watched her son jump around now, on the couch, and wave his wooden sword around. "You'll never stop me!" he yelled, triumphantly. "Come on Redbeard!" he laughed, and jumped off the couch. 

He took it off to shower, and to sleep, but he always put it back on. "William, dear," she began, and the boy looked at her. "Wouldn't you rather wear the nice outfit that Mummy picked out for you?" He shook his head, and went back to playing. Mycroft rolled his eyes, still waiting to leave.
"My name is Billy, Mummy! Billy the Brute!"

Of course, wearing it everyday meant it sometimes tore. Especially since he was always running around outside, with the dog, in it. She had thought about letting him ruin it beyond repair, and refusing to mend it, just to get rid of the silly thing. But, when he looked up at her with those tear filled blue eyes, she always sewed it back up. She loved him so much. "Well, Billy the Brute, we need to meet your grandparents for dinner," she smiled, humouring him. "Are you sure you want to wear that?"

"Let him wear it if he wants to, sweetheart," her husband smiled, walking in the room. "He's Billy the Brute". He tousled his son's hair, and dropped a kiss on his wife's forehead. Mycroft sighed, and left the room. He didn't want them to see him smile. 

A/N: I know that Redbeard isn't actually a dog, but I wanna pretend he is because the truth is too painful


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