Just Make It A Good One (Doctor Who AU)

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The little boy smiled widely, reading those words, excitement dancing through him. He loved reading these books, he loved the adventures, and he loved the tragedy. His hearts broke for these people. These people who have had their entire world scattered around by an alien, some stranger who cared too much. Some man who had dreamt of the stars since he was a child.

He had already read most of the books, had to be at least fifty of them, from Susan to Clara. He was currently reading Rose. This one had to be his favourite, although he said that every time, and by far the most tragic. She smiled at him, from across the white washed room, her hair flying in her face. He grinned back at her, "The breach is open! Into the Void!" he yelled, triumphant. A single moment passed, and Rose's smile slipped. "Offline," the automated voice echoed.

His smiled faltered.

Rose reached for the lever, fingers straining, and The Doctor's hearts jumped. The blonde girl let go of her clamp, in favour of the lever.
"I've got to get it upright!" she screamed at him.
With great effort, she finally pushed it back into place, "Online and locked," the voice sounded again, resolutely.
"Rose, hold on! Hold on!" The Doctor's breath sped up, as Rose's feet lifted from the ground, and she held on by her fingertips. They slipped. The Doctor screamed, hearts wrenching. His beautiful Rose. No. She called out for him, lungs straining, and he contemplated letting go. He contemplated following her into Hell.

The boy's chest was clenching, his ears ringing, fingers shaking. He checked how many pages were left. There had to be at least twenty, not a good sign. He huffed out a breath he didn't realise he had been holding, his hair flying with it, and turned the page. His hearts were yelling in his chest, beating against his ribcage and screaming.

Her mirrored father caught her, and she looked at her love one last time, and just like that. They faded into the other universe. They faded into Pete's World- forever. The winds slowly died down, and the wall seemed to cave into itself, like two hands scrunching paper into a small crinkled ball. It lost its luminescence and faded into, what could be considered, just a regular white wall. "Systems closed".

The Doctor walked towards it silently, his hands stuffed into his pockets, his face blank. His Rose was gone. Gone. He looked at it for a long time, before stepping forwards and pushing his face against it, hand planted flat along the texture.


Rose yelled, and screamed, and cried, and demanded. "Take me back! Take me back!" she begged, hitting the wall, her mascara running along her cheeks. She was trying to break through, mind blinded by grief, longing to find him on the other side. Her, newly extended, family stood silently behind her. She stopped, eventually, and her eyes opened suddenly. She pushed her face against the wall, hand planted beside it, she needed to be closer to him.

"Theta!" the boy heard his friend's voice call out, and he jumped. He pushed his bookmark in place, circular writing marking it, and carefully placed the book with the others. He rushed off, wiping his tears quickly, hurrying out of the restricted section of the library. "Are you crying?"
"No, Koschei. Quick, let's go," he lied, and hurried his friend out the door.

The books sat gathered together, as if consoling each other's losses, attracting dust and despair. He couldn't get caught there again, or he'd certainly be expelled by the other Timelords.

We're all stories in the end.

A/N: You know, I'm not even sure? It's a weird one.

(Edit: Tb when I made fan art for my own fic bc I'm lame)

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