Chapter 16: Vintage obsessed

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My father's fragile condition cuts the trip a limb short. Although he attempts to soldier through, his weakening muscles and pale face slowly begin betraying him. His lack of balance also proves enemy.

When he nearly collided into the picnic table this morning, mama's hope sparked empty.

She insisted our leave.

My stomach clenched from acting witness of his plummeting health. It hurt me to the core but I inhaled enough optimism for him.

The fact that he continuously waved it off following the incident at breakfast, amplified his guilt and pride. Guilt of being blamed for taking the trip away, and pride from flaunting his weaknesses.

Yet now, he wasn't in control of any of it, and that broke me.

As soon as the sun begins its descend, I hopelessly grab my massive suitcase towards the car. While at the stairs, I am interrupted by Adam, who shamelessly mocks my weakness and offers his assistance. I ignore the offer and lift the case.

I absorb a penguin's walk while struggling down the creaking stairs. When overwhelmed with an overflow of no space in the car, I take time to find a home for my suitcase. With enough resilience, I succeed.

"I'm impressed," Adam admires through a cheshire smile and raised eyebrows.

I stand there in awe of him, taking in the black well fitted Armani shirt and washed out jeans. His hair has noticeably grown, forcing him to comb it to the side, leaving a strand in front of his enthralled eyes. The image of last night reappears, his solemnity then playing strange at this instant.

My stare is quickly shaken upon seeing Aasif.

After a half days worth of packing and unjustly forcing belongings into the trunk, all of us are seated in our vehicles. I volunteer to drive back to allow my mother ease when helping my dad.

I follow Adam in desperation in effect of his insane speed.  When the sky welcomes night, we stop for a bathroom break near a cafe. I patiently wait for everyone in the car by reading.

The silence goes on for some time, just until a heavy knock on my window paralyses me.

With one hand on my chest, I open the window.

"Here." Adam hands over a brown bag and a hot cup.

"What's this?" I inquire, the smell of enticing tea waking me.

"Just feeding your addiction," he rubs his hands for warmth before smiling.


 "What are you reading?" He leans in, his eyes inspecting the book on my lap. The proximity quickly terrifies me.

"To kill a Mockingbird," the strong smell of cologne and after shave robs me of thought process.

"Whats it about?" he asks, his luxurious eyes smiling in honest curiosity.

Summarizing such a masterpiece was an obstacle of a life time. But, I continue to attempt.

 "It's a coming of age plot revolved around a little girl named Jem and her life in a period of racism and discrimination. She is raised by her just father Atticus and lives by a neighbour-"

"The mysterious and murderous Boo Radley," Adam interrupts, a sweet smirk plastered on his face, his eyes gleaming.

 "So why ask?" He's already read it.

 "I am fond of different interpretations" he replies smug.

"You read books?" I mock.

"There is something new to learn every day Aamirah," his tongue symphonically rolls my name, making it sound exquisite.

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