The Meat

1K 81 7


Happy late Eid Mubarak to everyone, I hope you had a blessed Eid! <3


The video above really made me emotional SubhanAllah. A must watch! 

I have entered the 2016 Watty's. I need YOUR help. If you haven't, take a second to vote on previous chapters you haven't voted on- if you want :D I would love you forever if you did however ;) And also, share my story with anyone you think may like it even the smallest bit. Leave a comment, I love reading comments! 

We are now sprinting towards the "MEATY PARTS" of this story, or in other words, climaxing to the top and then below. Yes, as I mentioned in the beginning, this story is a JOURNEY, it is SLOW because frankly, I am not a fan of stories that end before they even begin. The best part of a story (for me anyway) is the journey, the end, well, it ends. I know ALOT of people give up on a story because it isn't getting anywhere, which may be for my story, but trust me, EVERY bit of information is CRUCIAl to the final product, I promise you. Be patient with me! :) It is all folding its nearing end, which I am so sad about! I work hard on my chapters, only hoping you guys like them. 

If you want, give a vote, comment, and share . We are so close to 90K, which is almost weird to me, in the best way possible. I would never have thought it would come this far, but YOU guys made it all possible. So JazakAllah Khair (thank you) so so so much for your time and love, you guys do make my days and working on this so much fun. And also special love to SO many of you that message me, and we talk on there :) I am sorry to those that message and I don't reply. I do not go on the app unless I am uploading or just browsing when I get the time, please don't be upset if I reply really late. Nothing personal!

Next chapter will be uploaded today In Sha Allah, stay tuned! Stay smiling :)

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