Chapter 35: Alone

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Take a few minutes to watch the video above- really useful In Sha Allah. 

Here are some other tidbits of useful information In sha Allah.

Entering with your left foot to the bathroom, say:

Exiting with your right foot say:


I can smell my nauseating fear; it's just a flirting distance away.

Fortunately, my adrenaline is too vain to incorporate that feeling in to the many that plague my body.

I have been dictated by one thought: escape. And that's the drive that has consumed me for some kind of forever now. I started as soon as he departed and have continued ever since.

I have been viciously craving to unravel the burning rope that has chocked my wrists and left them in a bloody symphony behind my back. The task has become so obsessive that I forget he will be returning soon. I rub both of my prisoned hands in rapidity against the trunk, losing grip of my sanity with each motion.

I am sure the pounding against my head and my broken face suffices enough to resonate the amount of anger I have for this man. I can't even look at his face, it makes me want to hurl my insides out.

So I focus on the ground. And my blood boils anytime I catch sight of his feet approaching me.

Slowly, I absorb the fact that I am not just angry, I hate him, with every ounce of my being. It is obvious that this is a very strong and foreign feeling for me, just from how different my body language transitions when he makes an appearance.

The rope seems like its finally coughing up its last bit of strength before I quickly feel my hands divorce one another. After hours of slaving away to get this to happen, it comes as more of a shock than relieve when I can finally place my hands in my lap. I continue towards my feet in spite of my fingers shaking mentally.

The only thing that calms me down is the rainbow that has bloomed from the rain. It's nice because it's almost my little silver lining.

As soon as my legs catch scent of their freedom, I hear it.

His voice.

I rush off of the ground and stress to listen.

My eyes shoot open when I sense his speech approximating in precarious speed.

Before I can even think, my feet begin flying involuntarily. With every step, my eyes black out from the pain in my head but I continue.

One. Two. Three.

One. Two. Three.

One. Two. Three.

My heart runs in worrisome pace.

This goes on for what I think is ages. With a flu of green as far as I can see and uncomfortably forced breathing, I push beyond my limits.

Eventually, my body begins giving away. This feeling dissipates as soon as the same heavy steps bring up an appearance again.

Don't look back.

Whatever you do, don't look back.

My legs start shaking and slowing down as if I am in water, which is the most terrible experience. Especially now. But I grunt through every second of agony, while mercilessly praying for divine assistance.

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