Chapter 24: Predicament

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Here is a short update but I thought I should start doing more frequent updates that are a little bit shorter. Take six-ish minutes of your time to watch the video above, it is really good information to be aware of. Remember, it's always good to better you knowledge In Sha Allah because ignorance is no excuse. I'm really trying to better myself in terms of my knowledge of Islam and only hope that these posts etc are helping. I am in no way saying that I am perfect and am in the position to be influencing others to be like me because that would not be true. I am human and we all make mistakes etc so its good to get reminders. 

This chapter is sort of split into two parts. I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for the continuos love, I really appreciate it. vote, comment, and share! <3


I left the hospital that morning feeling overwhelming satisfied with my father's accomplishment. My father was trying, like really trying. I could sense by the way his forehead arched in utter confusion while he focused on some images, that he was on the brink of having another anger fest, but he controlled it. And he continued like that for the past three days until the best thing happened today; He vaguely recalls the day of my birth.

"I remember," he had said, the smiling reaching his eyes while he watched the shaky video. He chanted it over and over again like these words were his last grip of hope. I couldn't help but smile then laugh and then cry at how happy he looked.

The rest of the situation was about as good as blank paper. The doctors had clearly confirmed that his condition was temporary in effect of the episodes of seizures and the heavy medicine they have been feeding him. Soon enough, he would be back to where he used to be, which made all of this worth it and more.

"Promise me you will be back tomorrow," he had said, gripping onto my wrist tightly so I couldn't leave him. I looked down at his hand and then up at his face, noticing his eyes wide with anticipation.

"Of course dad," I had said, the thought of him wanting me to be there more often making me really ecstatic.

Being in school spoke on its own. I hadn't seen Adam for the past couple of days but the story of him and his friends was still the highlight of news carrier around. Cici had called us and cried over the phone because she and his father were still so far away in the world to come back. She blamed her self for his behaviour and I couldn't help but get mad at her because I knew that she had nothing to do with it. She had asked me to go to her house to feed the fish and flower the plants for these past couple of days since Adam hadn't been picking up her phone calls; I accepted.

I had continuously heard the rumours spreading about the cause of the arrest but I chose to ignore them all until I heard the truth from the source. I thought about it every day and every night when I found it difficult to sleep; wondering where Adam is, the thought of him being some where unsafe not settling with me.

The day dragged along until English class. I walked over to my seat and felt oddly lonely without Adam sitting in front. It irritated me that I would still care for him when he acted the way he did but deep down, I couldn't help it. I had no control.

I see Naomi walking in to the class with sweat pants, a plain shirt, and what looks like her natural curly hair. I couldn't help but gape at her; She probably forgot to look in the mirror because I couldn't form any another explanation. I watch her gulp the rest of her coffee and then proceed to going on her phone.

When Sebastian walks into the room with his lip busted and face injured, her eyes light up.

"Have you heard from Adam?" she asks him in a desperate tone, ignoring his bruised up face. I look up at him because I am curious about his answer too, regardless of how distracting his pained face looks. He looks at me uncomfortably and then back at her, the facial expression making me worried.

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