Enter Thy Mind (INTRO)

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      Welcome to the publication entitled Enter Thy Mind. This work is saturated with deep thoughts from my life. I caution those who are about to read my work, as it is scattered with profound meanings while encouraging inner deliberation and spiritual reflection. I would like to pronounce a TRIGGER WARNING for those who are susceptible to suggestion through creative expression. 

      Before I let you 'Enter My Mind,' I would like to introduce myself to help you concede the beginnings of my writing from, and how it became what it is today. I don't remember the majority of my childhood and adolescence, so I can only paraphrase what I can recollect. 

      I begin writing in poetry around the age of sixteen as a sophomore in high school. In my English class I had an assignment concerning Shakespeare. It challenged the students to compose a sonnet. My instructor adored my verses and inquired me if I wrote anything else. She had pressed and probed for me to extend my style and works, even if my class did not fully appreciate them when she tried to read my work to them. As cliché as it appears, I would not have considered writing without her humble, yet pressured encouragement. I dedicate my whole future in writing to her, as without her, I would not have recognized how writing could liberate me as an individual. 

      With her praise, I was able to have my first poem published that same year. With that, I started to believe that this could be more than a mere hobby. The following year, the same publisher reached out to me inquiring to publish more of my work. Although, the third year of being requested, I had to resign from my career in writing to pursue higher education.

      As life continued to get more complicated, I immersed myself back into writing to help ease the reality of well.... reality. 

Thank you, for reading this. I now proudly present the experience of my evolution as a writer, Enter Thy Mind.

Enter Thy MindOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant