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Hey everyone, here is the trailer for the science fiction book, in previous chapters, the book's genre says fantasy but it's not actually, sorry about that😇🙏 now for all you fans of The Matrix, Star wars, I present to you( drum rolls please)...

        The Villains.

Okay I know what you're're thinking what! That's not what I expected but here me out okay.

Title: The Villains.


Set in a post apocalypse world where the earth was bathed in a nuclear mutagen that transformed every human over the surface of the earth into supernatural beings.

The world flew into chaos as they could not control their new found abilities, death rates shot up at an alarming rate, the world needed a hero and they got it.

From the ashes rose an elite group called the luminos that consisted of majority of the world leaders and they divided the world into two, the heroes and the villains.

The heroes were the one with the safer, more controllable powers, the villains were considered an atomic bomb ticking so to restore the world order, the luminos created a reform center where villains learned to control their powers, they called this movement, the revolution.

Jade Riele Smith is a 17 year old villain with dark powers and the ability to open portals, she was separated from her parents after they were brutally killed as punishment for breaking out of the reform center, she joined the resistance, a group of teenagers who fight against the luminos and their idea of world reformation, they plan to start an uprising, in the bid to restore equality and resist change.

In a world where you are forced to pick sides, who would you be?

A hero or A VILLAIN.


So there you have it, are you willing to take this journey with me?

Funny thing is I had already written the first book way before the I call her KARMA idea but I'm bringing it here to wattpad.

I call her KARMA (completed)Where stories live. Discover now